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Machator's University

Indian dorm

(Krishna was finalising some papers then Rudra came in)

Rudra: Sir, These are the attendence report I got for you today, Please take a look.

Krishna: Sure and thanks..... (Reading the report) that reminds me! Have those three injured students of ours are okay?

Rudra: I guess they might be well by now sir, I will go to check on them next.

Krishna: Sure.

(As they both were talking, suddenly Alishka , the Indian student, entered the room while running and huffing)

Alishka: Sir! There is an emergency! Sir! Tho--

Rudra : Calm down Alishka and tell us what is the matter.

Alishka : Sir the British Students! They have arrived here! Its a war! Lead by Alice!

(Both were so shocked that they dropped the papers)

Krishna: What?! But how? And why?

Alishka : I don't know sir, But please hurry ! They have came to attack us!

Krishna : Rudra, Assemble everyone! And meet me at the square! Quick!

Rudra: Right sir!

(They all hurriedly left the room)

Cross Square (middle point of park separating both the dorms)

(All British students arrived at the side of the square where Alice was taking the lead, while flurring the Union Jack flag 🇬🇧 )

Alice: Everyone! Lets be ready for the fight!

Everyone: Yeah! We are ready ma'am!

(The whole crowd was cheering which waving the hockey and cricket bats in the air)

Alice : Now lets march towards them! (Pointing towards Indian dorm)

(As they were about to move , Krishna , Rudra and some other Indian students arrived at the square)

Krishna: Alice! Why are you suddenly acting like this?

Alice: (angrily) Go away Krishna! I have nothing to talk about right now...

Krishna: But we signed the probe document remember? Then why a sudden hue and cry?

Alice: Probe document! Oh right Mr Nice! You shamelessly sent your guys to attack us where few of our students were injured because of it! And now when we have come to retaliate, the probe document began to matter to you! Haa! Don't make me laugh Krishna, I never thought you would step to so low tactics!

Krishna: I guess there is a misunderstanding there, I never sent any of our guys to attack you!

Alice: I will prove all your lies! Bring them here!

(British Students brought Satwik, Vijay and Abhi , all in beaten up condition in front of Krishna)

Krishna: You guys...

Alice: See that! These students are yours right! They were the one who attacked us last night.

Krishna: I never sent them to att-

Alice: Damn you are soo shameless and annoying! Spouting lies over and over again!

Krishna : Alice listen to me!

Edward: All students! Attack!!

Rudra: shit! (Facing towards Krishna) we can't be talking here sir! Lets retreat and we will defend along with our students!

Krishna: But ---

(As Krishna was about to speak he was dragged back by Rudra to Indian dorm where rest of Indian students were assembled there, The British students clashed with them and punching, kicking all began)

Rudra: (Fighting with Edward) Pay attention here blue eyes! Cause I am gonna make you blind!

Edward: You sure live up to your hype Rudra! Lets see if you only are a talk!

(They both were Engaged in kick boxing with each other, while Alice appeared in front of Krishna)

Alice : Get ready Krishna!

Krishna: Alice wait!

(Alice charged at Krishna with her baseball bat, Krishna dodged the first blow and stepped back)

Krishna: Alice! Just listen I would like to avoid war as much as possible! I --

(Alice grabbed Krishna's hair and gave him and leg-knee blow which bringing him closer, leaving Krishna making it difficult for him to stand)

Alice: Just fight damn it! How long are you gonna move your lies-filled mouth?!

Krishna: (struggling to get up) I just wanted to expl--

(Alice jumped in the air while kicking Krishna with her 108° kick of Taekwondo, Leaving Krishna lying on the ground)

Alice : You only like to mess with me huh?
You are really Disappointing just like in the middle school..

Krishna: (getting up slowly) Lets make it even then... (Wiping his face) If I win this, then grant me something you never had.. (Picking up the lying hockey bat and pointing towards her) will you?!

Alice: (smiling) Now thats the spirit, lets see if you can really get that wish of yours!

(Alice tucked Krishna with her bat and made him fall to the deep side of the square where none was there)

Alice: Don't come to cry to me when I beat you to pulp!

Krishna: (smiling) we will see about that!

(They charged at each other and there was just clashing of bats all over there, Suddenly and strange like appeared in front of them when their foreheads touched each other while fighting.)

Alice: (jolting back) Krishna! Whats that..,.?

Krishna: I don't really know... (Grabbing Alice and bowing down)

(They began to fall asleep and fell on each other in a sleeping position)

(Meanwhile.... In some other location... Rudra and Edward were completely exhausted while fighting each other just like other students on the both sides and they both reached that deep point and found Alice and Krishna lying there unconsciously)

Rudra: Lets call it a day Edward! Grab your boys and Alice and go, we will settle it some other day... (Puffing)

Edward: (tired) I agree with that... (Commanding to the British students who were still fighting)
Everyone lets move back to our quarters!!!

(Both sides began to fall back while Rudra and Edward grabbed respective leaders and went towards dorms)

Rudra: You did great today! (Looking towards sleeping Krishna) sire! Aah what am I even saying! Sir Krishna was always efficient! He was born gifted!... But today, he did an excellent job.

(While Edward was carrying Alice on his back)

Edward: You were Awesome Ma'am (looking at unconscious Alice) and you were beautiful too! (Feeling shy) aah why did I say that? I mean ma'am is always beautiful! She is our Mediterranean goddess! But today she really protected the dignity of British students!

To ve continued...

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