The Trident Festival

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(Krishna and Alice were still having each other's bodies and were preparing for the upcoming Trident Festival)

The Trident Festival- It is a festival that is always celebrated in Mac Hators University which include Sports competitions and Talent Rivalry test between the Two Dorms.

After the meeting concludes between the heads of two dorms....They decided to put the competitions during the day time and the celebration at the night.

Krishna's Office

Krishna (Alice) : Phew.. Since this is all done so let's head out then.

The Square

Alishka: Yo guys since all are here lets get moving in the bus!

Rudra: Are you ready sir?

Krishna (Alice) : Yeah I am..

Kiran: Lets go then! As you can see the Brits are going too.

(They all moved into the bus which took them to the big Island city after a long journey)

Kiran: Hey look thats the Island owned by our university.

Rudra: Yeah and thats where the Trident festival is gonna held.

Krishna (Alice) : (lost in thought) Yeah right I know but what I heard that the society over there is a bit more rigid, will Krishna would be alright there? He should be I guess

Alishka: Krishna are you nervous?

Krishna (Alice) : No I am not.. Its nothing like that.

Advait : I hate to say it but you seem a bit off these days, is really everything alright?

Krishna (Alice) : Huh? Is this is really the same person I know? Well... Apart from his jerk side, he really do care about Krishna I guess... So I guess I can affirm him a little.

(Taking Advait hands in his, while smiling)

There is no need to worry, everything is really fine since I have friends like you all, thank you.

Advait: (blushing while being shocked)
I.. I.. Was just worried thats all... Its a no big deal! Really!

(Turning around)
Right guys?

(Rest of the students were staring at them as if they had seen a ghost)

I mean come on!!!

British Bus

Edward: we will be reaching the stadium in sometime now... But this is nerve wracking, playing while all eyes are fixed on you... Gosh

Alice (Krishna) : Edward is everything alright?

Edward: No.. I mean everything is okay its just that I am very nervous.

Alice (Krishna) : Right I can understand, well it seems like its not just him but its the case with most of the other students.. Maybe I can cheer them up a little.

(Getting up from the seat)

Edward: Huh? Ma'am you are going somewhere?

Alice (Krishna) : (taking the center position in the bus so all can see her)

Hey guys, since yall seem pretty nervous, So I think to left up your spirits, I have thought of a poem that I will sing for you to cheer you all up! !!

(Other students started whispering)

Scott: a poem? Really?

Thresha: yay!! Sing it ma'am!!

All together: Yes definitely ma'am!

Alice (Krishna) : Alright I will begin

Good they at least seems exited.

" There is something I really can't always do,
From touching the sky to managing the crew,
From the empire where the sun never sets,
We cross our limits no matter how hard it gets,
Be like an eagle who fly over the sky,
The foot on the ground while piercing through our hands without being shy,
Being righteous isn't always a good thing to brag about,
A dream without a plan is a wish by no matter how much you shout,
Its a sickness of ours which none can cure,
Doesn't matter if our intentions aren't pure,
Forget about the airplane, hijack the whole airport,
Conquer everything doesn't matter its a dungeon or a fort,
So please put up your heads high and never fear any attack,
Cause I, Alice Williamson will always have your backs. "

(Smiling) So dont fear anything folks, cause I always have your backs!

(Everyone had a huge round of applause for her poem)

Edward: (smiling while bowing his head) yeah right! Since we have  our lady's back, there is nothing to be worried about!

Scott: truly splendid

Thresha : wow thats great milady!

David: yeah! So everyone we will show those Indians what really we are made up of!

Alice (Krishna) : (conflicted opinions) I still can't say it for sure if I did that right.



Alice (Krishna) : Its about damn time.

(The bus went inside the underground parking of the stadium where all the students headed towards their blocks in the adjacent building.)

Indian block


The Indian students were received by their seniors, the second years at the block)

Samudra : (Indian block Second year Leader)
Namashkar Krishna! Its been a while everyone!

Alishka: Namaste! Samudra Bhaiya! (Big brother as a respect)

Advait: (coldly) Tsk, Not soo much pleased to see you big guy!

Samudra : Awww your highness! you are so cold as ever!

Rudra: Its an honour to meet you Senior leader! ( while bowing down)

Samudra: Likewise Rudra! You have grown so much since the leat time I saw you.

Rudra :( feeling shy) well its all thanks to everyone.

Krishna (Alice) : Second years huh? Then this guy must be Samudra Gupta, about whom Krishna told me about.

Hey Samudra! Namaste! (greetings here! )

Samudra : (Smiling) Lets head inside, we have to get ready soon!
He is sure so calm about the upcoming situation, it would really be fun to see him being broken apart during the festival.

Krishna: I can probably figure out what he is thinking right now, I better not let my guard down with this two faced jerk.

I was thinking where are the others! "
Below reached the surrounding to head !

To be continued walking

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