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"AND RIGHT NOW, my work is about making sure you and your men don't get killed. Agent. Hello."

Kallie smiled, giving Stark a nod. She was even dressed the part now, in a green army uniform. "Hello, Mr Stark. What have you got for us?"

"Carbon Polymer." He ran his hand over the designs. "Should withstand your average German bayonet. Although Hydra's not going to attack you with a pocket knife. I hear you're kind of attached." He knocked on the shield.

"It's handier than you might think."

"I took the liberty of coming up with some options. This one's fun. She's been fitted with electrical relays that will allow you to-"

"What about this one?" Steve wondered, eyes caught on a sturdy looking round shield. He lifted it, as if testing it. 

"No, no, that's just a prototype."

"What's it made of?"

"Vibranium. It's stronger than steel, and a third of the weight. It's completely vibration absorbent."

"How come it's not standard issue?"

"That's the rarest metal on earth." Howard informed them. "What you're holding there? That's just about all we've got."

"Just about?" Kallie wondered, raising a brow. "Got anything fancy for Agent Ace?"

He sighed, pursing his lips. "You're killing me, Kallie. But..." he looked resigned, unable to deny his old friend. "Well, I'm not really supposed to say, but I think I've got just the thing." From one of his shelves, he took down a large box, opening the latches and pulling back the lid to reveal... "I hear you're pretty good with knives. Let's see what you think of this one."

Kallie let out an impressed whistle, lifting it out. There was no other way to describe it; it was a sword. the handle was wrapped in dark leather, and the blade came down to a point longer on one side than the other. Twirling it in her hands, Kallie couldn't help but admire the thing. "Oh yes, this will do just nicely."

"I'd like to see something that blade can't cut through." Howard said. "and if you can swing it fast enough, it'll block bullets just as well as the shield."

"Perfect. And I believe we'd like to make some changes to the uniforms..."

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

however long it
took poor howard
to modify all
those suits...

╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

KALLIE'S OWN UNIFORM NOW CONSISTED OF HER ARMY CARGO PANTS, jacket and combat boots. The outfit was modified, however, to allow her to hide throwing knives in her sleeves and boots, and a sheath was designed for her sword that could be strapped over her back. On each thigh also rested a gun holster. Agent Ace was ready for action. 

The first Hydra base wasn't too hard. They walked right up to the front door and started shooting. Kallie split off to take the side door with Barnes to encircle the men inside and cut off any escape. "Bucky!" A knife flashed through the air, dropping the shooter that had been attempting to sneak up on him.

"Thanks, Kal."

She frowned. "It's Kallie."

"Nah. I like Kal."

Rolling her eyes, she followed him to the door, the both of them taking out whoever was in the way. When they reached it, they were faced with an unfortunate problem. It was locked. "Dammit."

"What's dammit?" He frowned. 

"Well unless you found a key lying around somewhere-"

A blast from his gun took the lock right out of the door. "I did."

"Well played." They stepped in just as Steve and the others brought down the front door. Hydra's men were surrounded, and went down quickly. They took care of the weapons with whatever explosive devices Kallie and Howard had cooked up in the lab and as fast as it had started, it was over. Kallie, Steve and the group now known as the Howling Commandos hopped back on their motorbikes and drove like hell back to base before tomato-head could show up to ruin the party. 

Afterwards, of course, they celebrated with drinks. Halfway through the night, most of them were drunk, some more terribly than others. 

"Three go in," Steve smiled. 

"Three go out." Kallie clinked her glass with his. In the time they'd spent together, Kallie, Steve and Bucky had become rather close knit. The perfect trio. 

"That was a perfect shot, little sister!" Bucky slurred, a wide smile across his face. 

Kallie laughed. "Thanks. But perhaps you should be getting to bed?"


But of course in the morning, he would come to regret that decision, when his head was pounding from the alcohol.

"How do you handle drinking so well?" He groaned, pressing a hand over his eyes. 

She smirked. "I am an expert in a great many things, Sergeant."

"Yeah, whatever you say, little sister."

The name almost made her heart ache as she was reminded of her brothers. But she'd see them again. When all this was over for good. 

It was raid after raid after raid. Some were on the road, where they would attach large bombs to the underside of cargo trucks. Some where in the open field, where Steve's shield would join Kallie's knives in the air, bringing down men quickly and effectively. There were more raids on buildings too. Bucky would stay back to act as their sniper while Steve drew the main fire. The Howling Commandos would scatter, taking out every man in sight while Kallie went high, shooting at attackers from above, throwing her knives and using her fancy sword to butcher anyone that came at her. They were unstoppable, and they were leaving everything the Red Skull had built in the dust. 

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