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THEIR LATEST MISSION WAS TO CATCH A HYDRA TRAIN. They would zip-line down on top of the cars and get inside, hopefully unnoticed. Two of their Commandos was tuning into the radio frequency, trying to determine exactly when their ride would get here. 

"Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky piped up. 

Steve scrunched his nose. "Yeah, and I threw up?"

"This isn't payback, is it?"

"Now why would I do that?"

"We were right, Dr Zola's on the train." Jones informed them. "Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad."

"Let's get going because they're moving like the devil." Their lookout announced as they hooked up to the line. 

"We only got about a ten second window." Steve told them. "You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield."

"Mind the gap."

"Better get moving, bugs!"

Steve went first, Bucky right behind him, and Kallie behind Bucky. They dropped down quickly enough, watching their footing on the icy surface and in this wind. Steve opened the train door, and the other two followed him inside, shutting it behind them. Nobody wanted to take that nasty fall. Inside seemed devoid of any life, filled only with large weapons. Kallie frowned, moving through the doors onto the other car, but the second she did, the door slammed shut behind her, separating her from the group. "Shit!" Steve and Bucky were forced to prioritise fighting off the men that had emerged from behind them, one with a very large gun, while Kallie faced off against the four men that charged her. 

She ran right at them, sliding across the ground to slice a leg clean off. He screamed, flailing away and cursing her between wails while she fought the others. Bullets rained down, and she leapt into the air, spinning as she did and releasing knives into two of their guns, effectively halting them. She landed in a crouch, facing them down. She used her sword to block the fire from the remaining gun, while also fighting the others hand to hand as well. She was doing quite well for herself, sending another tumbling away when the one whose leg she had chopped now grabbed her leg, sending her sprawling. Her sword clattered away, and when the men took aim, she was forced to resort to raw power. A ripple of green energy erupted from her body, sending them all flying away into walls. She heard far too many bones crack for them to rise again, and after a moment, got back to her feet. She snatched up her sword, wedging it into the door, trying to force it open, but something was blocking it from the other side. She pushed again, tapping into enhanced strength and shoving it open wide. She gasped at the sight before her. "Steve!" He was hanging out of the side of the train, a side that was blasted wide open. She grabbed his arm, dragging him back in before he could fall. He looked almost as though he was in shock. "Steve, hey. Hey! Snap out of it! We have to find Zola!" She looked this way and that. "Where's Bucky?" She frowned, her concern mounting when he didn't reply. "Where is he?" Steve only shook his heat. Her heart stopped and she turned to the hole in the train's side. He must have... She did it again. She took the fear and the grief and she twisted it into a single thread that soon glowed red-hot with anger inside of her. "We're going to destroy them." She said darkly. She grabbed Steve's shoulders, forcing him to look at her. "We are going to destroy them all."

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

after two did not,
in fact, come out

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WITH ZOLA IMPRISONED BACK AT THEIR BASE, the mission was complete. But it didn't feel complete. Three went in... but only two had come out. When Kallie found Steve, he was drinking. She knew what he was trying to do, but she hated to have to be the one to tell him it wouldn't work. 

"Dr Erskine said that the serum wouldn't just affect my muscles." He said, hearing her approach. 

"That is correct." She told him quietly. "Your metabolism moves quickly and your cells heal and regenerate at least ten times faster than that of a normal man."

"I can't get drunk."

She shook her head. "No." With a sigh, she took a seat next to him. "Steve, it wasn't your fault."

"Did you read the report?"

"Yes. The fault was mine."

He frowned. "The hell it was."

"You've seen what I can do." She looked down. "I should have been there."

"Kallie, you know that's not true."

"You know that it is. In our time together we have scratched only the surface of my power. I should have done more. I should have let Erskine's order to hide burn. I should have done something." She sighed. "But we can't look back. The past will only haunt us. What matters now is what we're going to do. And we are going to burn Hydra to the ground, for this, and for everything else they've done or will do. If we do that, then Bucky will not have died in vain."

"I'm going after Schmidt. I'm not gonna stop until all of Hydra is dead or captured."


"Not this time Kallie. I can't lose you too."

She gave him a sad smile. "Haven't you learned by now? We're in this together. Two go in..."

Finally, he nodded. "Two come out."

"Then let's do it."

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