~wishes with sinde effects part 6~

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First of all I'm sorry that this part took so long :") please forgive me and I hope you enjoy this part-
"You..You can stay" Wilbur said . "Thank you Wilbur ... Looks like you have a heart -" Quackity said while giggling to himself. "Don't make me regret it- George will take care of you " than Wilbur walked away.  ( !Not shipping them !) "Come on let's go!" George said with a smile as he took Quackity's hand . ( I made it so that everyone there has some sort of rooms- so it's not that confusing)

George took Quackity to a little room . There where small mushrooms - some of them where glowing mushrooms. There was a big book shelf with a lot of old books , and different map's .  The bed was a wonderful cloud Bed . There also was a couch with a lot of fluffy pillows on it. On the walls there where pictures of George and his friends, there was one picture that Quackity recognised .

~flashback from Q~
"It's so nice here" "I told you that George. I knew you would like it here". George and Quackity where sitting in a big flower field. A lot of small bunny's where hopping around and bees where buzzing around. Quackity was makeing flower crowns while talking to George . "Wow- I didn't know you knew how to make flower crowns" "Really? It's super easy - and here yours is done" Q said with a smile . "Thanks . Wanna take a pic?" "Sure!" At the moment where George wanted to take a pic a bunny jumped into George's lap . After that happened they both started to laugh .
~flashback end~

~quackity pov~
That's why the pic was so cursed . Heh- I still remember that moment like it was yesterday...
~Quackity pov end ~

~no one pov~
"Hey- Q-? You here ?" Quackity snapped back into reality - he didn't even realize that he was smiling while starring into that picture . "Oh- yeah sorry. I was just lost in my thoughts for a moment". "Alright - but if you need to talk or something I'm here." George said while he gave Quackity a catering pat on the shoulder. "Thanks George" "No problem big Q - you can sleep in my room on the couch while you Build your own room". "Thanks again George- I really owe you one". "No you don't I mean that's what friends are for right ?" George said with a smile.
~to be continued~

Hey guys ! Sorry that it took so long and I hope you  guys can forgive me :"). I hope you enjoyed this part anyway and I hope you have a good day/night . Bye<3

~ Quackbur~Where stories live. Discover now