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(Starts in eclipse and the tent s

Edward watched Jacob and Bella sleep.

"Peanuts" Jacob exclaimed in his sleep and rolled out of the sleeping bag and continued to roll into he bumped into Edward. Jacob snuggled into Edwards knee

"Idiot" Edward muttered and tried to push Jacob away from him.

"It's not time to get up yet Sam" Jacob muttered and grabbed Edward's hand and pulled it to be used as a pillow. Edward rolled his eyes.

"This is going to be a long night" Edward sighed out.

--Next Day---

"Jakes still asleep" Bella commented as she put on her coat and walked outside with Edward.

"Should we wake him?" Bella asked

"No, let him sleep" Edward said and grabbed Bella's hand and lead her to where Seth was.

"Sam wants Jacob now" Edward said while reading Seth's thoughts.

"ill go get him " Edward said and headed to the tent. Edward unzipped it and saw Jacob sleeping

"Get up mutt" Edward said and shook Jake up. Jake groaned and slightly cracked his eyes.

"Father let me sleep please" Jake muttered and turned the other side.

"Get the up jake now, Sam wants you" Edward said. Jacob opened his eyes and groaned. Jacob looked up at Edwards golden eyes...it toke two seconds before Edward knew two things.

Jacob imprinted on him and Jacob was his real soul mate

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