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As months went by Edward and Jacob slowly drifted apart..Edward didn't have enough courage to end the wedding. Jacob who was at his house casual watching Tv when his dad rolled in.

"You have mail son" Billy mumbled, as he handed the letter to his son. Jacob glared at the address and slowly opened the letter with his name on it.

              AND                                              EDWARD ANTHONY MASEN CULLEN

Jacob growled as his dad looked at him.

"Jacob this day was bound to happen someday..Bella is a lost cause" Billy said as he tried to calm him down. Jacob glared at his dad and walked to the door and literally ripped it opened, taking off his shirt and threw it to the side..Turning into his wolf form he left....

[With Edward-2 Days Later]

Edward could hear Bella as she tried to walk in heels..

"You just need more practice!" Alice exclaimed, grabbing Bella's hand and smiling.

"Alice! I have been practicing for 2 months!" Bella replied, as she took them off and slipped on her regular old shoes. Alice sighed and smiled as she quickly gave instructions to Emmett and Rosalie...Edward sighed from his balcony and looked at a picture of Jacob and him smiling. The last anyone heard of him he was in Canada somewhere.. God did he miss him! And every hour Edward would get pissed at himself for not shutting down this god awful wedding. Before Jacob left, Jacob came to see him and the last words Jacob literally yelled where "YOU LIER!!!" Edward knew Jacob will never forgive him....

[At Wedding]

As Edward saw Bella and Charlie walk towards him, he became nervous. He knew he actually didn't love Bella! But as the vowels where said and the rings slipped in he knew it was to late, before Edward knew he was kissing her.. He immediately imagined Bella as Jacob. Everyone started to clap and whistle, as  Bella started to cry he immediately felt guilty..He did not share the same love for her as she did for him...Everyone was lead to the after party and where they served food and wine...

"That asshole" Edward heard  a familiar voice yell in his head he turned and stared at Jacob from the woods, glaring at him.

"Bring Bella, Tell her it's a surprise" Jacob think into Edwards head. Edward nodded and gently grabbed Bella from her friends. 

"I have a surprise" Edward announced, smiling at his wife. Edward made Bella close her eyes and started to lead her to the woods where Jacob in a white long sleeve collared shirt was. Jacob glared at Ed before Bella opened her eyes and quickly got all excited..

"I'll leave you two alone" Edward mumbled....As Jacob and Bella started to dance.

"So your married...Let me guess after this his going to turn you" Jacob commented, as Bella slowly shook her was no.

"We decided to do it after the honeymoon." Bella replied. Jacob growled and roughly grabbed Bella's arms... As his wolf pack and Edward both came into view...

"Jacob let go!" Sam yelled as Jacob glared before letting go.....

"Let's go" Sam muttered to his pack as he turned to glare at Edward...Edward sighed as the pack left and Bella smiled at him..Boy his life was so screwed up.....

(FINALLY UPDATED! I finally got this account back! I'm so sorry! Expect more updates soon! Love you all!!!! QUESTION OF THE DAY: HOW OLD ARE YOU? I just turned 17!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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