Wedding Date

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(1 month later)

"Edward Cullen!" Esme Cullen yelled from the stairs. Edward was currently in his room looking at one picture of Jacob...his beloved mate.

"Edward Cullen get down here now" She yelled. Edward rolled his eyes and but the picture in his dresser drawer. He walked down the stairs and the first thing he saw was Bella and his family sitting in the living room.

"Well here's the date to your wedding and all the invitations." Alice happily yelled in his ear..He rolled his eyes and snatched the invitation put of Alice's hands.

"I set the date myself. August 13th" Esme said and smiled at her son. Edward smiled..but not a real smile a huge fake smile.

"That's really amazing" Edward lied. His family and Bella smiled.

"I'm going to hunt" Edward muttered and walked out. He closed the door and vampire speed to the border where Jacob was waiting.

"Hey babe" Edward muttered and grabbed Jacob by the waist and kissed him roughly. Jacob smiled into the kiss.

"What's wrong Edward" Jacob moaned out as Edward sucked on his neck. Edward sighed and stopped.

"They set a damn wedding date" Edward growled out. And kicked a rock into the river. Jacob sighed and looked down.

"What are you going to do?" Jacob asked. While moving a couple pebbles with his feet.

"I really don't know jake" Edward mumbled. Jake sighed and sat on one rock near the river. Edward started at his mate worriedly.

"Jake I promise I won't go threw with this ill stop the wedding and than it'll just be you and I" Edward said and sat down by his beautiful mate. Jacob blushed and smiled at Edward.

"I love you Jake" Edward whispered in Jacob's ear.

I love you too Eddy" Jacob whispered. Edward playfully glared at they ridiculous name but smiled at his lovely boyfriend.

Iam so sorry everyone!! I finally updated this story! I just want to say I am so sorry I shouldn't have been away so long. I don't want to lie to you guys I have been completely lazy..I did move but other than that I was just sitting in my bed reading other people's fanfic instead of updating mine! But fear not I'll update more!!! Sorry! 😄😄

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