⌘You make me sick

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I look between Dean and Lemmon not believing the words he has just uttered. Lemmon is his... father?

The man who forced him to kill an innocence girl. The man who beat him. The reason he's locked up in here.

"Is it true?!" I spit at Lemmon.

"Yes it is. I haven't seen my son in many years," he smiles. Unable to process this I stare at Lemmon. I've spent months with this man, letting him get inside my head.

Funny enough he was the man who declared me to be unstable and be placed in this dump!

"You..." Anger boils recklessly inside me.

Lemmon interrupts me. "I know it's shocking that my own son is a murderer. I find it quiet embarrassing and disappointing really." He smiles. A twisted smile that only a psychopath would wear.

"I'll fucking kill you," Dean says swinging at Lemmon. Dean's fist collides with his father's face. Two guards come in and begin dragging Dean away. They must be monitoring this conversation.

"I hope you rot in hell," I growl. The audacity of this man has is unbelievable.

"You want to know who else?" Lemmon says with a coy expression.

"What?" I ask momentarily confused.

"Who else I've taken. He was a man had brown hair, brown eyes... Your daddy... Ring a bell?" He says taking off his thin framed glasses to wipe them on his sleeve.

Then it hit me. The cracked glasses at the crime seen. Lemmon insisting I see him for therapy. This whole time when I thought my father had run out on me. Lemmon knew he was dead. Because he had murdered him.

"Why?" Is all I say as fury burns my eyes.

"Well glad to know the penny has dropped. I met your mother in a bar, I was new to town and she showed me a good time. But there was a problem she wanted an open relationship. You see, your father had money, a lot actually. And your mother wanted it. You were the problem, you needed food, diapers. Your mother needed you out of the picture. But a child? How could I kill such a thing? I thought why not get rid of the bigger problem." He alliterates as if there isn't anybody else in the room.

"So I knew your father enjoyed hunting, so I took him to the forest. I took my shotgun out and blew a hole throw this head" a smile plays on his lips.

He- I can't comprehend what I'm hearing. He killed my father just for money? "Then why have I been loving on benefits?!" I say trying to compose myself.

"Well that's the problem, your father was well aware of you mothers drinking problem, fearing she'd spend it all on alcohol he let every single penny to you". My eyes spill unable to hear anymore of it. Sitting opposite of a man who's ruined two peoples life's. His own son being one of them.

"Your mother had agreed that when you turned 17 she would start taking you to see me for theory. You see, I couldn't kill a child". He looks up from this finger "but a teenager? Well I done that before".

"It was going to be easy, you out of the picture, a girl I was going to slowly rip apart your mind convince you or your insanity, then if I got caught I could say it was self defence because your - crazy" he suppressed a smile.

"With you out of the picture, but you doomed yourself when you stabbed a man. When I deemed you insane you're going to never see the day of light again. Did you know there's an asylum right next door!"

This time I lash out scratching his cheek so hard it bleeds. Guards only decide to show up now. Before they can get to me I kicked Lemons face, sure I've broken his nose.

"You won't get away with this " I scream when he clutches his bloody nose.

"But I already have"

The guards take me away and the word unfair poured from my eyes.

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