⌘ Solitary Confinement

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Solitary confinement.

Feeling cold, lonesome and dejected I slouch against one of the walls from the isolation room I was put into for a 'time out'. Apparently colours can effect your mood. So all of the solitary cells have been painted green. They explained to me that the colour green is restful, soothing, cheerful and health giving.

I hate green.

This blows. Luckily for me I'm an expert at sitting alone. In a small dull room. Little light projects from the tiny rectangular barred window, however the large light makes up for it. There's a toilet in here, but I feel rather uncomfortable to use it with a guard right outside my cell and a camera watching my every move.

your stupid for getting yourself in here

"I didn't even do anything wrong!"

then why did you kick him in the nuts?

" oh come on he deserved it"

" stop talking to yourself" The guard outside bangs on the cell door.

Okay so one might be wondering as to how I ended up in this mess in the first place. It started after breakfast when we were all on our way to the tank...

I needed to sit down so I opted for a small chair, unfortunately It was close to the table of morons and their ring leader Mike. I was facing away from them, in attempt to not draw much attention to myself. My lac of sleep honestly wasn't doing me any favours as I could feel myself drifting away to dream land.

I was about to close my eyes when Dean walked by "Nice shirt " he smirked shaking his head. At first I felt flattered "than-" I was about to reply when I remembered it said "I hate everyone" on it and picked up on his sarcastic comment. I huffed in defeat and allowed my heavy eyes to close.

I was awoken by an loud sound.

"OOHH MIKE JUST GOT BITCH SLAPPED" one of the boys shouted out.

I turned around to see Mike clutching his cheek, which had turned scarlet, with his right hand and Cristina looking extremely annoyed. Dumbfounded " what the hell happened" I asked. "Mike was gonna slap your butt so I slapped his face" Cristina said looking contempt.

" shut up you jealous slut" Mike yelled pushing Cristina's shoulder. " What did you just call her asshole?" Tate stepped between Mike and Cristina.

I didn't realize the commotion going on right in front of me. Cristina was annoyed with me but she had chosen to defend me so I thought I should step in.

"you disgusting piece of shit, you don't want to know what I did to the last person who tried to touch me" I said giving the most frigid glare I could conjure up.

Mike completely ignored me and stepped closer to Tate " what? she your girlfriend now? I wouldn't be surprised, shes so easy" Mike said.

It all happened so quickly. Tate's fist went straight across Mikes face, while Mike clutched is bloody nose, I took the liberty to go and kick him in his nuts while he was venerable. A frenzy took over me and I could feel adrenaline causing throw my veins, it felt good to hurt such an douche.

Mike pulled Tate to the ground along with him and they began pushing and hitting each other on the floor. They began to tumble over each other like they were in some sort of death roll. On top of this Cristina kicked Mike in the back repeatedly, cursing at him in the process.

I was just about to pounce on one of Mikes disciples, who had thought to step in and help Mike out, when two arms grabbed me, they pulled me away from the hectic seen.

I turned to see Dean, he looked emotionless. I wondered if he had watched the drama unfold. "he's not worth it" he whispered into my ear, his cool breath sent shivers down my spine. His long slender fingers realised my wrists before he walked off.

By the time I had returned to the drama guards had a flustered Tate and smug Cristina under control and on there way out of the tank. Mike was proving to be more difficult so two guards had to take him away.

It was quite amusing to watch a seventeen year old boy having a tantrum.

Mikes face was red, he had a cut lip and I could notice a bruise beginning to form on his cheek.

The state he was in made me smile.

On the other hand Tate looked unharmed only his hair was a bit messed up.

Yes, I was also taken away which brings me to the present. Sitting alone. In solitary.


Mike desvered to get kicked in the nuts haha.

Even more drama coming up.

Sorry for such a long wait but I have hella lots of tests coming up and course work, so I'm trying to write as much as possible.

please comment/ vote/ share it makes my day!

Francesca xxx

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