Bruno's Vision

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As his mind was trying to process every single piece of information, Prince Agnarr surprised himself by asking Olaf, "Are you really alive or am I hallucinating?"

As Olaf very descriptively explained everything to young Agnarr, Iduna asked Kristoff as she glanced at Sven, "Is he yours?"

Kristoff replied with a small smile, "Don't know how you were able to tell that he was male right away, but yeah... this is my very good friend, Sven."

As Iduna gently rubbed Sven's nuzzle, she said fondly to Kristoff, 'You know, my Mother gave me a pet reindeer when I was four."

Elsa sighed at a deeply saddened Grand Pabbie who apologized for not stopping King Runeard.

"Come on now, Grand Pabbie. There's got to be a miracle of a solution to save Anna!" Elsa exclaimed, determined to have hope.

The word, miracle suddenly had Elsa gasping rather happily. Something activated inside Elsa that made her conjur up a replica of an Ariendelian ship made entirely out of ice.

Elsa explained to everyone who were already in a state of confusion, "Of course... the miracle family."

Grand Pabbie asked in genuine shock," You know about the Madrigals?"


Inside the magical and wondrous house of the Madrigals, plates were rolling across the dining room table. With smiles on their faces, each member of the family grabbed their plate.

As she sat next to her Abuela, Mirabel noticed her Aunt Pepa immediately reaching out to scoop some mash potatoes. Mirabel found it rather odd, but figured it was okay since the potatoes did resemble clouds.

Once everyone's plates were full of delicious food, Abuela asked her family softly, "Should we say grace?"

Bruno smiled. "Thought you'd never ask. I'll lead."

Mirabel smirked. She knew Bruno and Pepa had something planned. "Alright, Uncle Bruno, what are you and Aunt Pepa up to?"

Bruno chuckled light-heartedly. Pepa only blinked in surprise, causing a white, puffy cloud to manifest above her head. She whispered to her cloud, "She's coming here?"

Isabela grew very curious. She asked her aunt as she brushed some of her silky hair behind her ear, "She, Tia Pepa?"

Abuela suddenly directed her attention to her son.

At that exact moment, Bruno transformed the dining room into a vision of Elsa and her friends inside of the wrecked ship that Iduna and Agnarr had used as adults.

With a stomp of her left foot, Elsa magically restored the ship!

Mirabel was astounded at the magic this young woman had.

Hmm? I guess the Madrigals aren't the only ones with special powers..." Mirabel thought in a state of amusement.

Antonio smiled and waved at Sven. Suddenly, Pepa protectively held him with both arms at the sight of Olaf. She asked out loud, feeling rather uncomfortable, "Is that snowman actually talking?"

Olaf had just said to Iduna and Agnarr, "...and that's how the ship ended up here."

Agnarr felt pretty shaken. "Well... that's a lot to take in."

Iduna rested her elbow on the Prince's shoulder and asked in a casual manner, "At least we've been given a second chance at life."

Elsa sighed sadly. As she grabbed the helm of the ship, the cool breeze made her ponytail sway back and forth.

Elsa said with a saddened expression, "Everyone, I'm so worried about Anna."

"It's going to be okay Elsa. We'll find that fire ruby." Kristoff gave Elsa a comforting hug. "I promise."

Running out of energy, Bruno collapsed to the ground, causing the dining room to return to normal.

Mirabel was the first to help Bruno get up on his feet. He said graciously, "Thank you."

Abuela raised her eyebrow ever so slightly. "Bruno? Pepa? What in the world is going on?"

Suddenly, Pepa's cloud turned gray and rain began to pour over her head. Pepa chuckled nervously, "Who's asking?"

Mirabel couldn't help but hold in a laugh.

With a disapproving frown, Abuela told her eldest daughter," Pepa, please don't act like that. This is serious.

Pepa was harshly whispering, "Clear skies..." She hesitantly looked at her Mama who had a crystal clear look on her face that she wanted answers.

It wasn't until Pepa realized she was scaring her mother with her odd behavior that she spoke aloud, "Oh yeah, sorry." Pepa cleared her throat, straightening her posture. "Sorry for all the weirdness, mama. The weather just got real cold, that's all."

Bruno grinned. "Then, she's here!"

He sprinted out of the house, with Pepa following very close behind. Now, Mirabel also wanted answers.

Mirabel told herself as she straightened her glasses that refused to stay in its rightful position," I have to see what Bruno's vision was all about!"

"Mirabel, you can't go out there! It might not be safe. You need to stay here!" Abuela attempted to keep her youngest granddaughter from following them, but even she was unable to stop Mirabel. Her nephew, Camilo had grabbed her by the wrist. Abuela felt her heart nearly stop at the fact that Camilo transformed into Abuelo. Camilo said in an melodramatic voice, "No, my love! She's ready to take on whatever might come her way."

Abuela was extremely speechless.

Mirabel ran out of the door after Bruno and Pepa.

"Bruno! Pepa! Slow dow..."

Mirabel found herself slipping on ice. It took a while for her to regain control of herself and her balance again. But that didn't last long. Before she could regain focus, Mirabel fell flat on her face. "Ow..."

As the Madrigal family came running to check up on Mirabel, they could hear the faint sounds of something glowing.

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