Day 16

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OK, I know I shouldn't have. But I upset dad by upsetting mum. And those scissors were so tempting, my wrist ached for the feeling and I did it again. I will stop after this though. No more.

Michael was awful today. Harry told me to ignore him and his mates and I tried so hard to be like he is, Teflon shoulders and not giving two shits but it's hard. Everything gets to be and I'm so sensitive. We're going to the library later, together for studying and I can't wait. He's amazing.

I definitely see a difference in my weight, my size. It's small but I didn't expect it to work so quickly. Soon I'll be fit, skinny. Maybe Harry will like me back when I am. Maybe people will be jealous of me and not the other way around.

Mum and dad didn't talk today. They fought. Again. We had no food anyway to make dinner since mum spent it all on hair dye. It was a bit stupid but you can't argue with mum. She doesn't take no for an answer.

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