Day 20

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Harry told me he was worried about me today. He told me I looked tired and frail. I told him I was fine but I got a bathroom pass during Physics and went to cry in the toilets. It's so pathetic. Maybe he won't like me if I'm all thin but I can't stop. I can't fucking stop. I cut myself again. I can't stop that either.

I wish I could talk to someone about this. But they'll tell mum and dad. Then dad telling me about mum will come out and everything will be ruined. I can't tell anyone. So this journal is the only thing I have.

Michael called me a fag today. Even Harry's head turned and I cried in the art block with him. I'm so tired honestly, mentally and physically. It's only been a few weeks but I want to jump out a window.

I think I'll ask Harry out soon. I know he'll probably say no but at this point, I have very little to lose. I googled some shit and apparently it isn't normal to do this, managing eating. Cutting isn't normal either. But I can't fucking stop. I'm crying writing this. It's like an addiction and I can't get help.

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