Chapter 1

32 1 2

September 11 2022

Me and rose are laying on our bed when I hear nosh yell out "DECKER THOSE FANATICS ARE MORE AGGRESSIVE" as she runs up out of breath "THEY ARE ATTACKING PEOPLE WHO FLEE THE CREATURES" as she calms down rose looks at her "have they attacked our houses" nosh shakes her head "it seems they don't remember who or where we are"

As I get up I see posh touching his wrist gadget and pulls up a screen showing the location "yep they are attacking places that have been sealed or removed" as he points to a building "I just got back yesterday from it and it seems today they are trying to re open it" I sigh and shake my head

Whispering "why do we have to protect the realities" as I close my eyes I feel a energy similar to roses but their near my apartment "ok I feel something from my area were I lived i need to check it out" as rose gets up "I'll do it alone my duckling but if I don't come back after a hour come to me"

Rose nods a little sad as I kiss her on the forehead and disappear into the portal looking around I see 2 people seeming to be both male but one looks a little rough and the other looks feminine I begin to move closer and I hear "GOD DAMNIT"

as they walks down the road "we're do we find this Caleb" as the rough looking one throws a rock "we been searching for 5 hours and no one knows who Caleb is" he say as the other speaks up "that is why we need to go to him he could probly help us" a sigh emits to the other person as he kisses the other on the forehead "if he tries anything I'll protect you with everything I got"

As they get closer I begin walking to them "who the hell are you" the man says as he puts his hand toward his pocket I just sigh "I'm Caleb I heard you both but we cannot stay here" as I look I see a group of people walking to us "THE DEVIL HIMSELF IS RIGHT THEIR AND HE IS GOING TO TAKE THOSE TWO" as I look at them they seemed fuzed with the creatures

A deep churn in my stomach build up "WE DONT NEED TO GO WITH YOU AT ALL" as the man pushing me "Rex those people down the way don't look" he pauses "normal" a sigh emits out "Samoa don't worry we're not going with them eather" as the group get closer a screech rings out as both me and Rex go into a stance "ok Caleb you better not attack my boyfriend or let anyone else attack him"

We begin to be circled by the fanatics and as I scream out "DECKER CONTROL YOUR CREATOR" as my body emits energy Decker speaks out "it's great to be alive ain't it" as he clicks his tounge shooting five fanatics in quick successions as Rex fires at 2 more they seem to get closer "SOMOA RUN" as Rex picks up somoa and they run past them as Decker continues to shoot as many as he can as two fanatics left they run off

Decker just sighs as he sees Rex and Somoa already down the road he yells out "COME BACK WE CAN EXPLAIN" as they seem to disappear as they turn the corner "god damnit" as Decker screams out "CALEB YOUR TURN" as I take control again feeling a huge form of stress overwhelms me as I fall to the ground Somoa looks back as he stops "Rex we need to help him" Rex wide eyed "you don't know that he is probly fakeing" Somoa looks at Rex

"we don't know we're we are or when we are" as Somoa stops as Rex pulls his hand "if he is able to tell us he can tell us and" Somoa seems to panic and ramble on "and if he can we can go home and we could" Rex puts his finger to Somoa lips and softly speaksv"we will go back to him if it makes you feel better" Somoa smiles at Rex "next time the puppy dog eye won't work on me" he chuckles as Somoa nods "you always say that"

As they walk up to me I begin to wake up "damnit I need to practice my transformations" as I get up and throw up "still it hurts" as I look up somoa and Rex are walking up "please listen" I plead out as Rex sees me raising my hand he pulls Somoa back and raises his gun at me

"YOU CAN STAND THEIR AND TELL US" as he raises his gun to my head "MOVE ANY CLOSER AND IN NOT AFRAID TO SHOOT YOUR HEAD CLEAN OFF" I nod and begin sigh "ok so I assume philosopher told you to find me" as I close my eyes holding my chest "if you see him again tell him thank you" as I chuckle

"Ok your world is the creation of a person who loves you more than you will ever know" as I open my eyes "she is dear to me as she is to you both" as I look Rex in the eye "you wont believe me you probly never will but in this reality" I look at Somoa "and you will know some ideas of what I'm saying" as I look up I point to the sky as Somoa looks up Rex shuffles with his gun looking quick peeks and back to me

As Somoa pulls Rex "look please" as he looks at Somoa "I'll shoot him if he moves" Somoa sighs and nods as Rex looks up when he does he lowers his gun "what is this shit you have to of drugged us when you threw up" Somoa sighs "if he did he probably wouldnt of been so close" as Somoa looks at me "I know of parallel worlds and alternate dimension" as Somoa thinks "a reality is based on perception so I am assuming this is our perception of this world"

I nod and I speak again "the iterations and extension are the same concept though the plains of existence is not a alternative or parelle" as Somoa and Rex look at me and get wide eyed "DO NOT TELL ME YOUR RETRO GAGE OR WHATEVER IS AND THE PLAINS OF EXISTENCE" as Rex getting more hasterical

"THAT MEANS OUR FRIEND ARE GONE" as I snap at Rex "I AM THIER CREATOR AND I WILL NEVER DESTROY MY CREATIONS" as my body erupts with red and black energy "AND AS THEIR CREATOR I WILL NOT LET THEIR NAME BE SULLYED BY THE LIKES OF YOU" as Rex and Somoa fall over I look at them I feel a sense of hatred over myself as I seem to cool down I breath in and sigh "I'm sorry but please I need you both to come with me"

as I reach my hand Rex sighs as he grabs my hand snapping "you do that again I'll kill you" as he picks up somoa I reply "for my little duckling I would allow it" as he shakes his head I look up as I see a portal open up and ready my sword as I open A portal "you both go in now I got some work to do" Rex begins to protest as I sigh "GET IN THEIR" as I pick up him and throw him in as Somoa smiles "thank you for saving us" I smile back and nod

a loud gasp and a shrill "OH MY GOD MY BOYS" as rose begins run over to Rex and Somoa hugging them both "MY BOYS MY BOYS MY BOYS" she shrieks again "oh Decker I'm so happy you made the best surprise" as she looks up the portal closes "Decker" she says "DECKER" as she looks at Rex seeming angry at rose hugging him but Somoa pushes his arm

"this must be our creator" as Rex pulls his arm away "I ain't no one's puppet and I'm not created by this girl" as he looks up he sees her face and something in his head clicks "IF YOUR MY CREATOR WHY WAS MY LIFE A LIVING HELL" as he pushes both rose and Somoa off "YOU MADE ME DO THINGS MADE ME SEE THINGS MADE THINGS DONE TO ME"

as he raises his gun at her "ARE YOU SICK AND DEMENT ARE YOU SMITEFUL AND HATEFUL GOD" as Somoa is rubbing roses head as she cry's Somoa begins to cry as Somoa snaps at him "AM I A MISTAKE TO YOU" as Somoa seems to get up crying screaming at rex "WHAT IS THE CHANCE SHE DID IT AS A SIGN OF HER OWN PAIN SHE DIDNT WANT TO SHARE WITH ANYONE"

as Somoa begins pushing rexs chest "SHE GAVE YOU TO ME AND SHE GAVE ME TO YOU I DONT CARE IF YOU ARE HURT BUT HER YOU WILL NEVER RAISE YOUR VOICE" as Somoa begins to hit rex's chest cry even more "YOU WILL RAISE YOUR GUN AT HER" as Rex realises what he has done and hurt Somoa he just drops his gun and begins to hug and rubs somoas head and hair "I'm sorry my darling" Somoa looks at him with a cold stare "Not to me to her" as Rex sighs whispering "I'm going to not ever love this down" as he speaks up "girl come hug your boys"

Rose squeals and claps her hand running and hugging them "oh I knew you boys were ment for eachother and I love you both" as she runs her head onto theirs as a portal opens up nosh comes out and coughs up blood as rose let's go and runs to nosh "what happened" as nosh has a arrow stuck in her ribs "we destroyed the creatures then the fanatics come running up and literally covered in the creatures blood" as she winced "can someone pull it out in scared" as rose nods about to pull it out Rex speaks up "it's in the ribs if you pull it out you can do more damage than good" as nosh looks at the man she whispers

"Is that Rex" as rose lights up and nods "ok what do we good" rose says as Rex gets closer and snaps the back in of the arrow off "sadly you need to break both sides and then pull out slowly" as he breaks the front "at the angle it probly only hit the ribs an dismissed the lungs but I'm not sure" as he hovers his hand over her "I can heal you but you need to do it slowly so I can heal you properly" as rose and nosh nod Somoa chimes up "I just realized creator rose did you say Decker" as Rex wide eyes pulling the arrow out fully "well Fuck"

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