Chapter 5

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September 15 2022

We arrived at a base what seems to be inside a mountain I look and for my own mind can't remember roads so I made landmarks for myself it's instenctive I do it without realizing it as I continue to look around one of the men in black speaks up "you can call me mortemer" as he reaches his hand out

I grip his hand and give him a hand shake "I got a lot of names I go by but hello mortemer" as the men in black chuckle they begin opening the door and I step out as I do I see creatures being expirmented on and fanatics being injected I look in horror and speak up "what is this do you know what your doing" as I begin to look at everything

Mortemer speaks up "we been trying to cure them" I look at him with distrust and on defensive stance he points to a child screeching and grunting as a man in armor goes to the child and injects him with a syringe as I look the child slowly transforms back I look awe struck and shake my head

"The corruption isn't physical and your just suppressing it" I speak up as mortemer nods "we know that from nomad you know and are essence the cause" I nod in shame and speak up "it wasn't supposed to be like that" as I spoke up "it always seems to hurt me"

Mortemer nods and speaks up "your existence in what you call the realities is a fluke yes but as of you if we kill you we can't cure others afflicted by this" I nod in agreement "so I die and everyone dies" I whisper "if I live everyone dies" mortemer shakes his head "you have something we don't you can absorb their energy"

I look at him "it's not like that I take it but it goes into me" I move my hand transforming it into the corruption it glows red and black while my veins go grey and my hand a almost pure white "every person I have fought" I get louder "EVERY PERSON I HAVE SAVED" as I feel something inside me grow "AND EVERYTHING DO I MUST FOR MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY"

I scream out as energy forms around my body "I AM THE GOLDEN SIN" as I feel it boil over "GIVE ME YOUR SINS SO I MAY BURDEN THEM WITH PRIDE" as I said that I stopped trying to control myself "I think your stronger than your letting your self" mortemer composes himself as soldiers surround me

"As I said you cannot die" he continues "your existence isn't a fluke it is a savior in sense" as he ushers the soldiers to disperse "you are not the reason we had indications of your existence colliding when one of the satilites been glitching" as he puts his hand on my shoulder

"you can't die your friend nomad said your more human that all of us but he said you can't die in the normal sense" as I nod "I can only die by my own hands and I don't know how" as I put my hand to one of the windows I see a lot of people corrupt not just fanatics but elderly children men woman and animals

"So I need to save everyone anyways" as I close my eyes I envelop the corruption from everything around me as soldiers begin screaming open fire on me I open my eyes as the bullets stop Infront of me mortemer screams out to cease fire but they cannot hear him

"YOU ALL DO NOT KNOW BUT I AM NOT YOUR SAVIOR NOT YOUR DESTROYER BUT YOUR FELLOW HUMAN" as I intake everything the people seem confused were they all are as the soldiers hear Mortimer they stop "so I need to live" as I look at my hand covered in corruption and pain I change back but the corruption covers my sword and my revolver "so I guess I want to live"

As I snap my finger teleporting everyone back to their homes I look Mortimer in the eyes "if you wish to find me you just call my name" as I disappear as I teleport to our plains everyone runs up to me as they see me they all freeze in place "Decker is that you" rose says as Gameboy ready his blade "rose I think Decker is corrupt"

As nosh agree posh shakes his head "I figured as mutch" posh comes up to me "the suits said one of us can cure the corrupted people" as posh smiles at me and puts his hand in my shoulder "I figured they be looking for you" I just nod "I can control it wierdly enough but I feel the corruption doesn't effect me" I flick my hand makeing a knife apear in my hand

"So it's a part of a transformation" as I chuckle "so I guess I really do want to live" rose runs to me and hugs me "Decker you leave me like that I won't be afraid to beat you" as she kisses my lips "now we need to figure out what to names this plains" rose says sarcastic "the true reality" Gameboy says "mabye just existence" nosh says more like a question "I think the existence of reality" rose looks at me

"I would of named it deckers place" she looks embarrassed "IM NOT GOOD WITH NAMES" she blurts out and I just smile "how about the the plains of reality and we will short it as the True Reality and the true existence" everyone just nods as posh clicks his tounge "ok after that we created basicly things from nothing" rose chimes up before he could finish "can we at least make it look good"

As I notice Rex and Somoa are sleeping rose looks at me "don't you dare" I look at her with innocent eyes "Decker don't you dare" as I smile "DECKER DONT YOU DARE" I laugh "HEY REX YOU GOT A 5 SECONDS TO GET" as rose covers my mouth with her hand while kicking and hitting me "DECKER I SAID DONT" as Rex just looks at us and yells "CANT YOU SEE IN CUDDLEING WITH MY BOYFRIEND AND WERE TRYING TO SLEEP"

Elevation Of My Mind - The Broken Paradoxحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن