Chapter 9

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September 20 2022

"Hey Gameboy are you alive" posh pings in his transmitter "yeah a little just killed two soldiers" as posh pauses "ok so are you able to leave your cell" Gameboy sighs "they came in to basicly kill me but yes I can" as posh looks at the group of soldiers huddles around the sandbag covers

"I'll hate to say it but if it comes down to it kill them but limit the body count" posh says as he shuffles through his suit for tranquilizer and stun weapons "so kill but not kill a lot" Gameboy looks at his hands "pretty mutch but only if necessary" posh sighs once more "the blood doesn't wash away right"

Gameboy says as he walks out of the cell feeling a inch of remorse and hatred swell deep down in him "mabye nosh is right" Gameboy thinks "and we might be the reason" as Gameboy looks another wave of soldiers run down the hallway as he darts back into the cell and hides in the shadows

"THE PRISONER ESCAPED" as one says "DIRECTOR MORTIMER WHAT IS ORDERS" as their walkie talkie crackles "just let them go" as he sighs "we cannot stop them but if you see gameboy tell him I just want to talk" as Gameboy keeps looking at his hands "OK JUST TAKE ME TO YOUR BOSS" Gameboy yells out

As a 4 soldiers come into the cell they see the soldiers on the ground "director Mortimer two soldiers are dead what is your orders" as 3 of the soldiers begin to chain up and throws Gameboy to the ground "do not harm him or arrest him I will be their soon" as the soldiers look angry at Gameboy "your lucky director Mortimer needs answers" as the soldier hits Gameboy in the head and gut

"But once your let go we are not going to stop beating you" Gameboy just keeps looking at his hands "it will never wash away" he keeps repeating 30 minutes pass as Mortimer reaches the cell block as he looks at gameboy he adjusted his glasses and speaks as he sees two soldiers beating Gameboy "I told you all to not harm him and chain him up"

As he sees the two dead soldiers "you all don't realize if he wanted to he could kill you all easily and you hitting him only fuels that anger" as the other soldier salute the two other do not realize Mortimer is their as he yells out "I SAID STOP BEATING HIM" as the two soldiers realize he is their one protests

"He killed one of our brothers and you want us to stop" as Mortimer pulls out a device "this device if I was to press the button would destroy this whole facility" as Mortimer looks at the soldiers "this kid and the other would be the only two people to survive it uneffected" as he puts the button on the ground "do you understand"

As he adjusted his glasses again "DO YOU UNDERSTAND" as the two soldiers salute "good" as Mortimer looks at Gameboy "so what is your name kid" as Gameboy keeps looking at his hands "the blood will never wash away will it" keeps muttering over and over as Mortimer grabs his hands

"The blood never does but what you can do can redeem yourself" as Gameboy looks at him "I don't want to kill anyone creatures are different fanatics are different but people" as he pauses "it's different they don't know or understand what is going on" as Gameboy looks up at Mortimer "I dont want to be a super hero anymore"

Mortimer just looks at him "we need you to be one though" as game it continues to look at him "if you dont more people will die because you and your friends are the only ones to stop it" Gameboy just nods "now tell me your name" Mortimer asks again "Gameboy just call me Gameboy" as he feels a bit of calming in himself

"Now tell me what and how you do this" Mortimer speaks softly "we or decker created the plains of existence their are 3 areas destro the hero kingdom and etrom wastes" as he pauses "but their is a fourth one called the timeless Plains but you cannot enter or find it unless a man named Acebl33d let's you in" as Mortimer jots some notes down

"So how does this effect were we are now" Mortimer says as he looks at Gameboy "well the transfer void and a anomaly fuzed by the paradoxes and effected the realities" as he continues to talk Mortimer gets a call "we found the nomad sir what do you want us to do" as Mortimer sighs "stand down and just let him go and tell him Gameboy is going to leave with him"

A long pause crackles in "ok sir" as the soldier raise their hands "Gameboy is being released our director told us to stand down" as they do posh scans their body temperature and sees that they are telling the truth "ok any funny business I'm not afraid to shoot"

as posh gets out from cover he is escorted to the cell block as he sees Mortimer and Gameboy noticing Gameboy is in shock "you alright" posh says patting Gameboys back noticing the two body's on the ground "I see" as posh opens a portal and sighs "come on Gameboy were going home" as they both step into the portal

After several hours "so Gameboy killed humans" posh just nods as I look at Gameboy grabbing his head "look at me" as Gameboy looks "we all know death and we're not afraid of it" I look Gameboy in the eyes "I view it if a couple people die is better than the whole world" as I let go of his hands "go and stab me let your anger out and then go wash your hands"

As Gameboy looks at me he stares at me angrily "YOUR STUPID WORLD YOU CAUSED THIS AND YOU KNOW HOW TO FIX IT" as Gameboy begins to stab me with all of his power "it's alright Gameboy as long as I am alive I will make sure you all are safe" as he just continues to stab me I fall to my knees "GAMEBOY STOP NOW PLEASE" as I close my eyes the last thing I seeing roses face

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