Chapter 2∆Welcome to Kings Dominion∆

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Today's Sunday, so no school or anything right now, so I'm out on a roof of a building watching Marcus.

Lin told me and Saya that he wants us to get him tonight. As a result of tonight being the day of the dead Maria will be there to help if any police show up or anything and the guys will be there to help.

I keep walking from roof top to roof top. It's pretty easy, actually, but I keep moving, keeping an eye on him. I have some of my music playing from my mix tape with my feet hanging off the roof of a building.

I feel bad for this kid, living on the streets just managing. I know how that is, but Master Lin sees potential in him like he did well still does im all of us.

∆_Hours later_∆

I have my bow this time on my back as I'm keeping a good distance between me and the boy. He walks through a fence hole and to an area where a good portion of the homeless stand.

An old man stops him and takes his bag and takes something out of it. I can't hear what they're saying but the boy tries getting it back by punching his sides. I end up on the floor and am pulled up and shoved away as I'm watching what happened.

I know that the direction he's walking is heading into the day of the dead ceremony, which is great because our plan was to get him there, I guess because that's where everyone else is.

I go down another alley where I have my motorcycle parked. See we have gone out so many times, Master Lin said someone dropped money for me, but I don't know who and i know i don't have any family left because... Well, there dead. By whom?

Well, that would be me. And it was an accident. I never really wanted to kill anyone, but I've learned that's what you got to do to survive.

It took me a few minutes to drive over there with the celebration going on, but perfect timing. I passed Willie in the parking garage who was sprinting.

I drove up a few floors when I saw Marcus just running straight and getting to the end and putting his arms over his face because of the blinding lights.

" Hop on" I said, but turned my head and hear the sirens and see 3 police cars.

I pull the gas, giving me some acceleration and move to where I'm facing them.

"Police don't move" one says, pointing a gun towards us over his door.

So I get of my bike, placing my bow down beside it and have my hands in the air with a smirk on my face.

Cop 1 takes out handcuffs to my wrists but i quickly lower my arms and elbow him hard on the side of his head and kneeing his face as i hear his gun go off and some light explodes.

Cops 2 and 3 comes rushing over to me. Cop 2 comes fairly close, but I run up to him and slide my foot under his legs and he falls, but i use that as a leverage to get in the air.

I get in the air and twist my body, kicking the cop 3 in the back and role on the ground when i hear Billy.

"BEHIND YOU" he yells, and when I turn around i have barely enough time to dodge the fist, but hit the side of my head.

I knee him in the stomach and elbow the back of his head, slam him into his car and there all on the floor unconscious.

I turned around and they have the boy with a bag over his head. Yes, he can breathe and the guys pick him up. Saya comes driving up with her bike and we drive down to the meat shop where the guys will be in a few.

"Nice job with the cops" she says and gives me a high five and pulls me into a hug. "Thanks" I smile and Maria walks in and then we hear the chime of the shop's door and Billy and Willie coming in.

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