Time To Say Goodbye

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My hair flies behind me as the wind brushes against my face while giving my scalp a cold sensation. I think I understand why Yang would ride this thing for hours on end, it's peaceful. Moving my mind back on track Lil' Miss didn't give me much information, but that was expected she seemed to only know things when it benefits her. Looking to my left I noticed Raven's camp so I decided to pay her a visit. When pulling up to the gate I'm greeted with six people with shotguns pointed at me.
"You guys don't wanna do this." I started getting off Bumblebee.
"An if we do?" One of the guys questioned. I smirked reaching for Crescent Rose.
"Stand down!" Raven walked up staring me down, "Hey Ruby, get any siblings killed lately?"
"Hi Raven, abandon any children lately?"
"What are you doing here?" She clenched her sword.
"Always ready for a fight aren't you Raven?" I chuckled, "You know why I'm here."
Raven took off her mask looking at me with her eyes full of both fear and anger. A tear dripped down her face as she started to pull out her blade.
"If you think I'm going to give you my powers you have another thing coming!" Anger took over Raven's eyes as she pulled out her blade.
"So you're the spring maiden? That's cute." I smirked.
"B-but y-you-"
"I don't have time for this." I pushed passed Raven making my way into her compound.
"Ruby!" Tears filled Raven's eyes as she started to break down, "please don't!"
After the fall of Beacon and Yang's death, Raven collected Ember Celica to keep the memory of Yang around. Raven was never the one to show emotion, but once Yang died Raven felt guilty for not spending more time with Yang. As I made my way into Raven's tent, Raven grabbed my hand
"Please Ruby it's all I have." Tears covered her face. I broke my arm from her grip.
"Should have thought of that before you abandoned your only daughter." I grabbed Ember Celica and started my way out of Raven's compound. Raven jumped Infront of me holding out her sword.
"I won't let you leave!" She wiped away tears.

Raven is persistent I'll give her that, but as for being a caring mother she's way to late. I reached for Crescent Rose then lowered my arm.
"So you wanna act like a mother now?" I gripped my fists tight.
"I- I should've been there." Raven started crying.
"Well you weren't." I stood directly Infront of her, "Yang was your only child and you fucked that up big time."
"Please.... I tried-"
"You didn't try jack! Your daughter died, but you had a stick so far up your ass it's a surprise you didn't manage to get her killed yourself" Raven fell to her knees bawling her eyes out, "You are a pathetic excuse for a mother. Oh and you don't deserve those maiden powers."
"H-how did you-"
"You think I only got Lil' Miss to tell me one thing?" I attached Ember Celica to a hook on my belt. Right as I started to walk back to Bumblebee the sound of Pulse Rifles surrounded me.
"And where do you think you're going Ruby?" A girl with white hair and a scar on the left side of her face walked from behind the Atlian Soldiers.

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