When it Falls

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"Ruby?" Weiss had a look of shock on her face. I noticed her eyes fixed on Raven.
"Why are you here?" She looked at me again.
"I could ask you the same thing." Weiss crossed her arms.
"Doesn't matter." I started to walk past when she put her hand on my shoulder."
"Ruby I'm sorry for how I treated you at beacon." Weiss had a sad tone in her voice.
"You're sorry?" I started laughing, "You,Weiss Schnee the heir to the Schnee Dust Company, are sorry? Sorry for what? Sorry for mentally abusing me because I'm younger than you? Are you sorry for having such a cold attitude because you knew I was better than you? WHAT IS IT WEISS!?"
Weiss's eyes grew wide.
"No you don't get to say shit!" I started walking to her, "I was accepted into that damn school because of Ozpin, but you never could get that through your thick fucking skull could you? It was all Weiss Schnee and you're fucking appearance huh?"
"Ruby." A voice came from behind me
"WHAT!?" I turned to notice Blake standing there.
"What happened to you?" Blake's ears drooped.
"I grew up." Pushing past Weiss I started towards Bumblebee, but was stopped by Blake.
"Please don't go Ruby. We can-" Blake started to tear up, "We can still be team RWBY."
"HOW!? YANG IS DEAD!" Blake looked at me with fear in her eyes.
"If you leave now you will be declared an enemy of Atlas do you understand." Weiss sternly stated. I turned and grabbed Weiss by the collar.
"Does it look like I give a shit?" I threw Weiss on the ground. Blake pulled Gambol Shroud on me.
"Please don't make me do this." Blake started shaking with fear.
"I'm sorry." I got on Bumblebee and made my way back to where it all happened. Beacon

"Ruby." A familiar voice called out to me, "Why are you doing all of this Ruby?"
I thought to myself for a second. Why am I doing this?
"You pushed away your friends." The voice spoke to me once again.
"There's nothing I can do about it now." I grip the handlebars tight as my heart feels heavy with regret.
"There's always something you can do." It spoke in what sounded like a condescending tone, "Just make sure to go out with a Yang."
My eyes widened as these words pierced my heart. My mind has to be playing tricks on me Right? After a few minutes I was able to gather my thoughts and start back on my journey to Beacon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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