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Shane awoke to rapping on his door that was so sharp that he could hear it through the pillow he'd pressed to his ear. It was better not to slack off today, though – it was the Stardew Valley Fair, after all, and Aria wasn't the only one who was stressed about her grange display. If Shane wasn't on his absolute best behavior despite being woken a mere minute before his alarm got the chance, he'd have to suffer Marnie's wrath.

"I'm up. I'm up," Shane rose slowly, rubbing his eyes when the knocking ceased and the door opened.

"Good morning, dear nephew! Hope you slept well after that fall of yours." Marnie stomped in, unaware – or simply uncaring – of the volume of her voice. She loomed over the side of the bed that Shane laid on, her hands fixed to her hips and her lips pursed expectantly at him. Yoba, it was starting already.

"I did. Thanks for your concern." Shane mumbled, barely having time to yawn or let his eyes adjust to the dewy morning light at his own pace. Marnie yanked the blinds open.

"Up and at 'em. That cheese wheel isn't gonna roll itself into the plaza is it? Or are you too sore from your fall to do it? Should I get your friend from university to help me instead?"

"I'm young enough to still recover fully from it." He brushed past her and locked himself in the bathroom for just a few moments of precious solitude.

The more time Shane spent hustling around and being subjected to Marnie's barrage of questions, the more he regretted not showering at Aria's place the night before. When he emerged from collecting the eggs from the chicken coop, Marnie was right there in the kitchen equipped with her egg basket and more questions.

"Why were there leaves and mud in your hair?" Marnie clearly had trouble leaving the topic alone.

"I fell, Marn." Shane reiterated, placing the eggs in the basket, minding his grip on them as his irritation increased.

"From a tree?"

"Why do you care so much?"

"I'm your aunt, it's my job to care." Marnie used her favorite line – the classic aunt card. And sure, it was true, but in moments like this Shane knew she was abusing her power a little to know what actually happened.

"I'm fine. I did not fall from a tree."

"And you're absolutely sure you're not concussed?" Marnie pried again once they'd set off towards town to set the display up early. Shane trudged behind her, pushing a wheelbarrow that groaned under the weight of several stacked crates of Marnie's animal produce. Placed precariously on top was Marnie's piéce de résistance – a massive cheese wheel.

"You looked horrible!" Marnie continued, "I read in the magazine the other day about concussions. Are you feeling bothered by light? Or sounds?"

Shane bit his tongue and kept pushing the wheelbarrow. Good thoughts, good thoughts. He was a seasoned expert at tuning Marnie out by now, and it was even easier with the events from last night at the forefront of his mind.

"Shane! Watch the-!" Marnie's voice broke him out of his trance just in time for him to notice the cheese wheel slipping from the top of the produce stack.

"Oh, sh-!"

Shane rushed to the side of the wheelbarrow in just enough time to intercept the cheese wheel from hitting the ground. Marnie also rushed over, more for moral support than anything else. She stiffly patted his shoulder and sighed in relief once the wheel was secured.

"I love you very much, Shane, but if you dropped that cheese wheel, I would've had to end you."

"I know. I'm sorry, Marn."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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