A New Home

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The car pulled up to a nice home, well, the nicest house Harley had ever seen in her ten years of life. Harley's parents were abusive and they would beat her senselessly. After she was discovered, she was brought to an adoption home where she stayed for about three years before this family adopted her. This family seemed kind enough. They where a young couple, with two kids, one of them was a girl about her age. She hadn't met the other, he didn't come for some reason. Typical teenager. They parked and Harley grabbed her things before nervously walking up to the house. "Well, Harley, how do you like it?" Sandra, the mother asked. "Well, it's the best house I've ever been in." She shrugged. "Come on, I'll show you your room." Ashley, the younger girl said. Ashley was also 10 and the small time the two had spent together was good so that gave Harley a little more confidence. Ashley led her to a white room with a bed and a nightstand. "We didn't know what colors you liked so we painted it white." Garotte, the husband, informed her. Harley got her few things in place before adjusting to her new environment. "WOAH YEAH!!!" All of a sudden Harley heard what sounded like someone shouting into a microphone from the garage. "That stupid garage band." Sandra shook her head. "You've gotta sixty-five, chevy Malabo, with automatic drive, custom paint job too!" "TRISTAN! COME OUT HERE AND MEET YOUR SISTER! IT'S BAD ENOUGH YOU DIDN'T COME WITH US!!!" Sandra banged on the door. The music stopped for a second and an emo looking boy, about 15, answered the door with long flowing black hair and eyeliner. "And take that ridiculous thing off!" She shouted at him. "But why?" He asked. "Do it." Sandra said firmly. He huffed in anger. He turned back to face his friends. "Sorry my mother won't let me be cool." He reached up and pulled off a wig exposing his true, short cut brown hair. "Hey." He looked at Harley. "Uh, hi?" She waved slightly. Tristan walked in, being followed by four other guys wearing similar attire. "Tristan, this is Harley, she's ten years old and will be living with us. Okay?" Sandra glared at him. "Yeah, sure. Can we go back to playing music? I ain't gonna get better by letting my guitar sit ya know." Tristan asked. Sandra didn't even say a word before he knew his answer.

Later that night, the family are dinner and Harley got a shower. After she stepped out of the shower, she grabbed her clothes and tapped her diaper on. She frowned. "I bet Ashley doesn't have these." Just then there was a knock on the door. "Ah, come in!" She said after getting finished dressing. Sandra walked in and smiled a bit before closing the door behind her. "Harley," she began. "I'm aware of the- underwear, you use at night and I was going to tell Ashley and Tristan but I wanted to ask you first." She spoke softly. "Are you talking about these?" She blushed slightly as she pulled the front of her pants down to expose the pink diaper she had underneath. "Yes." The warm smile remaining on her face. "Do you think they would tease me? There where other kids at the adoption center that did." Harley tried not to cry, remembering the mean comments passed by her. "No, I don't think they will." Sandra gave a comforting look. "I don't know if it's weird to ask this but, when did they stop wetting?" Harley asked curiously. "Ashley was eight and Tristan was four." Sandra said. "Well, can I give it a while so I can get to know them personally before we tell them?" Harley blushed a bit. "Of course." Sandra turned and left the bathroom. Harley crawled in her new, warm bed and felt her eyes grow heavy as sleep crept over her...

Let me know how you like the new book! And who is your favorite character so far? (Tristan all the way!)

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