11 // Expect The Unexpected

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Bold= Authors Notes or the first word of the chapter.
Italics= thoughts
Bold Underlined = Speaking English
Y/N = Your Name
L/N= Last Name
S/C=Skin Color

Location: UA High School

*third pov*

Y/N had neglected to eat over the past few days, having lost her appetite, and was struggling with sleep. The nightmares that had briefly subsided were now returning with a vengeance. Moreover, her cat remained missing, adding to her worries. Naturally, she kept these concerns to herself. Being a secretive individual, she would occasionally divulge bits of her past, but only when necessary, preferring to avoid the topic altogether.

Upon her return to school following a brief two-day hiatus after the sports festival, her silence was more pronounced than usual, causing concern among the few friends who took notice.

Midoriya observed her as she settled at her desk and rested her head down, his brows knitting together in concern. He had several questions for the reticent girl, particularly about her absence from the final round of the festival and the reasons behind her current demeanor.

Y/N had always been an enigma, and he still couldn't fully grasp how she had acquired such immense power. He had posed this question to her about a week earlier, only to receive another peculiar answer. She claimed that her routine consisted solely of daily training for years. Eventually, she became so formidable that she could conclude any battle with a single punch. Initially, he dismissed her explanation as fanciful and assumed she was jesting. However, he gradually began to entertain the possibility that she was sincere. To his knowledge, she had never deceived him. Her honesty was almost too pronounced. It was challenging to discern her emotions, which she masked expertly. Yet, on the rare occasion, if one observed closely, subtle emotions would surface on her face, emotions she attempted to conceal but sometimes failed to.

Rising from his desk, he approached her and paused before tapping her shoulder lightly. She tilted her head to glance at him, her eyes, usually vibrant, now appeared subdued. Even without his touch, she would have sensed his presence.

She blinked at him before sitting up, allowing him to fully see her face. He noticed the deep, dark bags under her eyes, reminiscent of their homeroom teacher's. Her complexion was paler than usual, and she looked as though she might collapse at any moment, compounded by the fact that she appeared not to have eaten in days. His concern for her grew.

"Are you okay, Y/N? You don't look too good..." he inquired, concern lacing his voice. Y/N offered him a small, indifferent glance. "Yeah, I'm fine," she responded bluntly, resting her head on her hand. "You don't seem fine. Have you been sleeping? Eating?" he probed further, sounding like a worried parent to any onlooker. However, the girl, unfamiliar with maternal concern since the age of four, failed to notice.

"Nope," she replied simply, looking up at him, her fatigue evident. She couldn't fathom his concern.

Midoriya wanted to press further about her lack of food and sleep, but he needed to stay on topic. "So, why didn't you participate in the last round of the sports festival?" he asked, observing her for any reaction. Unexpectedly, she responded with a slight pout.

"It's really silly. Principal Nezu didn't want me to fight because it would be unfair to you guys," she said, twirling the pencil in her hand swiftly. The green-haired male nodded, understanding the rationale. If she fought, he was convinced that Nezu's decision was sound—they wouldn't stand a chance. He was still trying to gauge her power level. However, one thing was certain: she was as powerful if not more so, than All Might, the number one hero.

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