21 // Camp From Hell

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Bold= Authors Notes or the first word of the chapter.
Italics= thoughts
Bold Underlined = Speaking English
Y/N = Your Name
L/N= Last Name
S/C=Skin Color

Location: Just Outside of Beast's Forest

*Third POV*

Why did the bus stop? It seemed to be just a break, but Y/N had a nagging suspicion that this was part of Aizawa's cunning plans she wasn't privy to.

Sitting on the ground, the Blackett munched on a granola bar while listening to the teacher introduce the Wild Wild Pussycats, though he omitted the introduction of the small boy next to them. She tuned out towards the end of the conversation, which was a mistake, as she soon realized when she saw the rest of the class scrambling to reboard the bus. Their efforts were in vain as the mountainside crumbled due to one of the Pussycats' quirks, causing even the Blackett to tumble down the slope.

Muttering curses, Y/N got up, dusting the mud off her pants and hands, her frustration evident. Deciding to leave it be, she started her descent through the forest, steering clear of the mud monsters that weren't on her chosen path. A journey that would take the average person hours, Y/N completed in just over thirty minutes.

Emerging from the forest, Y/N was covered in mud from head to toe. Aizawa, who had been waiting at the base camp, had anticipated her to be the first one out. Spotting the mud-caked girl, he gestured for her to approach.

"Good job, go clean up and change, then you can grab some food in the cafeteria," he instructed before departing to converse with Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, and the others. Y/N followed his directions to the bathhouse, sinking into the hot water. She observed the numerous scars marking her body, not as jarring as they were when she first arrived at the school. Though the mental scars still needed healing, she was making progress on her journey to recovery.

After soaking for 30 minutes, feeling her skin prune, she stepped out and began to dress.


The following day proved to be a nightmare for classes 1-A and 1-B, or at least that's how they would describe it. The ordeal began after Bakugou's softball throw, reminiscent of the start of the year, and then the real challenge commenced.

Each student was honing their quirks to enhance their strength from early morning. The protagonist stood next to Aizawa, who detailed her training regimen. Her goal wasn't to increase strength but to master her punch output. Achieving control could render her nearly invincible, more so than she already was.

"You need to throw these disks into the air and hit them without breaking them—just move them. Understand?" Aizawa instructed as he handed her a disk. She nodded, examined the disk intently, and then gently tossed it skyward, reaching an impressive height of 60 meters. Starting with a flick of her fingers, she inadvertently caused the disk to shatter and even disturbed the clouds overhead, demonstrating the very issue Aizawa aimed to address: her overwhelming power.

The rigorous training persisted for hours, interrupted only briefly for meals and hydration, with breaks lasting no more than 20 minutes. As dusk fell, the students were tasked with preparing dinner. Amidst the group, one student stood out, effortlessly slicing vegetables to the rhythm of her music, drawing admiring glances from her peers.

After completing her task, she retreated under a tree, not from fatigue but frustration over the day's training. Despite her vexation, she took solace in having passed the written and practical exams, sparing her the need to sacrifice her cherished sleep for additional study.


As the test of courage commenced, and the next group entered, only Y/N remained. She yawned, gazing into the forest with a distant look in her eyes, sensing that something might go awry.

Dismissing the thought, she started her journey into the dark woods, remaining vigilant as the unsettling feeling persisted, growing stronger with each step she took into the forest.

About 20-30 minutes into the test, Y/N detected a hint of smoke in the air. Her eyes scoured the dark woods for any sign of fire. Drawn by the scent, she halted when a shadowy figure appeared meters ahead, their face obscured as they leaned against a tree trunk. They flashed a sinister smile that would terrify most, but Y/N merely returned a less eerie grin. After all, she was a fan of horror films and crime documentaries; this was hardly frightening to her.

"You're the one who started the fire," she stated to the figure. The figure let out a chuckle, grinning even wider. "Indeed, I did," the villain replied, attempting to intimidate the student. However, it was futile; he had chosen the wrong student to frighten.

Y/N regarded him as if he were a mere bug. "Then I suppose I must confront you, Dabi," she retorted, yawning lightly. This elicited a slight growl from the man. Why was she yawning? Did she consider him a joke? Wasn't she afraid? He was a villain, after all. Regardless of their past encounters, to her, he was just a rebel who had strayed from the right path.

Dabi was aware of the rumors about the girl's strength, yet he was convinced she had a vulnerability. When they had met six years prior, she certainly had one. Hence, he ignited the fire to draw her and Bakugou out, aiming to capture them. Once successful, his group would relish convincing them to join. Bakugou seemed like an easy target; he was brash and quick to anger. Maybe he was also easily swayed? But Y/N, she was an entirely different matter.

To Be Continued.....

*A/N: Cliffhanger, sorry! As you have already guessed, it sort of took a change of events then what actually happened. I know this part was a huge development for Bakugou. But I promise there will be development for the poor boy. Just seeing someone get kidnapped for helping them would traumatize anyone. This next chapter will have some major plot to the story, it will explain some of why Y/N is who she is. Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day/night! Love you amazing people! BYE~*

Miss One Puncher (BNHA x OPM x Quirkless-Powerful Reader)Where stories live. Discover now