22 // All For One

804 40 3

Bold= Authors Notes or the first word of the chapter.
Italics= thoughts
Bold Underlined = Speaking English
Y/N = Your Name
L/N= Last Name
S/C=Skin Color

Location: The League of Villains Base

*Third POV*

In a building, a figure sat in a dark, secluded room, bound by thick ropes at the hands and feet. The figure lay still, consciousness ebbing and flowing with the passing hours. The girl remained seated, unaware of the duration of her confinement. Her head drooped, and her short hair clung to her sweaty neck and face as she dwelled on nothing specific. The darkness was a familiar companion, solitude her only certainty.

Gradually, her eyes opened to pitch blackness, the faint glow beneath a solitary door the only hint of light. Raising her head brought on a dizzying spin, the result of dehydration from the last ten hours and the previous day.

The door slid open, revealing a figure with disheveled pale blue hair.

"The boss wants to see you," the figure stated, his voice tinged with disapproval, as he approached the girl with a casual stride.

The woman, identified as Y/N L/N, looked up at him, her eyes weary yet defiant, a reflection of her resolve throughout her captivity. Her sacrifice was for the safety of her friends, classmates, and teachers, and she played her role accordingly.

After freeing herself from the ropes, the blackett rose to her feet, deliberately slow to Shigaraki's chagrin. "Hurry it up!" he barked, on the verge of striking her. She met his gaze with a fierce glare, halting his hand mid-air. Her stare sent a clear message to Shigaraki: despite her capture, she was not to be commanded.

Escorted by Shigaraki, she walked through the door and into another dark room, her wrists secured by quirk-canceling handcuffs. She took a seat in what seemed to be the center of the room, the door closing behind her. The blackett sat in anticipation of the mastermind's voice.

As minutes of silence stretched on, a sinister chuckle eventually pierced the quiet, small yet unmistakably malevolent.


Meanwhile, the country's citizens watched the battle unfold on the screen before them. Concern grew as they saw All Might fail to block an attack. Panic set in when, suddenly, a random girl intercepted the blow meant for All Might. Onlookers observed a brief exchange between the hero and the enigmatic girl, who wore a smile. Many speculated about the identity of this mysteriously powerful girl; some thought she might be a new hero seeking the spotlight. Her abilities were met with skepticism, but as she began to counterattack, doubts dissipated.

Reporters in a helicopter attempted to close in to capture the conversation between the two, careful to remain outside the battle's reach. When they finally managed to pick up the exchange, it was garbled, with only fragments like "Young *** don't***!" from All Might and "don't worry***i'll***win***" from the woman with short black hair and a smirk discernible. Then, as their microphones adjusted, all that could be heard were the heroes' shouts and laughter... Odd.


Y/N reemerged before AFO, dodging with finesse as he grew increasingly desperate. His attacks were futile. Her power was inexplicable. Bored with the fight, she decided to conclude it, having expected more from the so-called strongest villain. This level of challenge was not unusual for her.

As AFO made another attempt to sway her to his side, she raised her fist, declared "normal punch," and struck him in the stomach, anticipating an explosive impact. Her expression reverted to its usual indifference.

The media and onlookers were astounded as they witnessed the formidable villain collapse with a gaping hole in his abdomen. A hush fell for minutes, then the crowd began to react.

Miss One Puncher (BNHA x OPM x Quirkless-Powerful Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن