Odd status

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Yoo Joonghyuk heard as he was being shaken a bit by his older friend. He stood up from where he was. Confused by his surroundings since he'd been having a really nice dream.

"You slept all throughout lunch, come on class is about to start." He said
Yoo Joonghyuk stood up and followed Kim Dokja out of the room. This time it was Kim Dokja's turn to drag him through the school.  They ran through the school in order to get to their class in time

The classroom had 5 other students waiting so they had come in on time (thankfully) Kim Dokja started ranting to Yoo Joonghyuk about the novel he read while he was sleeping and the other listened attentively.

Bell rang and students started pouring into the classroom. "Oh what a boring day it is today"
Kim Dokja thought until the teacher from the other classroom walked in
"You're teacher had an emergency so this will be a free period." The teacher said and walked out of the classroom to her own
The kids moved seats and took out their phones and did whatever wasn't illegal.
Kim Dokja saw that the seat next to his taller friend was free so he went ahead and sat on it.

The two took out their phones
And started texting Han Sooyoung in their group chat

Kim Dokja: guess who has a free period

Han Sooyoung: lucky.

Kim Dokja: shouldn't you be in class
Kim Dokja: hope you get in trouble

Han Sooyoung: you texted first you bitch
Han Sooyoung: whore
Han Sooyoung: fucker
Han Sooyoung: hoe
Han Sooyoung: cunt
Han Sooyoung: ugly squid lookin mf

Yoo Joonghyuk: don't call Kim Dokja that.

Han Sooyoung: oh so now you talk.
Han Sooyoung: 🤨

Kim Dokja chuckled upon seeing the message stealing a quick glance at Yoo Joonghyuk

Han Sooyoung: don't be a bitch answer you whores
Han Sooyoung:  are you guys ignoring me
Han Sooyoung: are you guys making out rn...

Kim Dokja: WHAT.
Kim Dokja: EXCUSE ME

Yoo Joonghyuk: Han Sooyoung no..

Han Sooyoung: I enjoy making y'all mad.

Yoo Joonghyuk: you're the one getting mad

*Han Sooyoung has left the group chat*

Well that ended cutely.


School ended at last, Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk stepped out of their classroom to go to their lockers. When going there, Kim Dokja found his friends already gathered around his locker
"Kim Dokja-ssi! We were gonna ask you to stay over at Han sooyoung's to proof read her newest chapter can you stay?" Yoo Sangah asked as he went up to his locker
"Or do you have to hang out with that damn sunfish?" Han Sooyoung snickered into the conversation

"Uh... well I was planning on staying with Yoo Joonghyuk since my popularity just rose—"

"Kim Dokja."


Yoo Joonghyuk looked at Kim Dokja then up at the rest.

"So Yoo Joonghyuk can we hang out with Dokja or do you need him?" Han Sooyoung asked the guy

"Let Kim Dokja decide" He said crossing his arms looking directly at the cat eyed girl.

'Till you did something right, Cupid!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora