Chapter 14:The Crimson Demon

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EnMa was walking towards one of the offices inside the main building of Hololive

EnMa:Why does everyone look a little panicked?

Everyone at the office seemed to be on a rush, panicked, it was obvious something was off, but she was the only one unaware of it, unaware of the cause


EnMa:Huh? J-chad? What is it?

J-chad:It's Ma-kun! He went in pursuit of some Antis that captured Mio, Rushia and Subaru!

EnMa:What?? He went alone?!

J-chad:He's with A-chan and D-san,Botan-san went with them too

EnMa:Damn it...Better get going, he won't stand a chance,not this time

J-chad:What do you-

EnMa:Let's go

Meanwhile EnMa and J-chad were running as fast as they could to where Alex was, EnMa's mind was trying to stay cool but questions started to be asked in her mind

Why now?

What are they trying to achieve?

Why they need the talents for?

But one question merged in her head

What options will Alex take?

Date:February 2nd, 2021
Time:2:01 pm

Ma-kun:U-Uh ...who are you supposed to be?

Woman: Don't even care to ask,you won't need to know who I am, after all


J-chad:Watch out!

Ma-kun was thrown away by J-chad and in the act, J-chad catched a knife that was thrown to Ma-kun's chest

J-chad:That was fast, didn't see when she took off the thing to throw it,she is too dangerous to fight alone

Ma-kun: J-chad! Are you o-

J-chad:Pay attention in front! Don't let your guard down!

The woman approached as fast as hell to Ma-kun's position,and with no hesitation, swing over her blade towards Ma-kun's face with such great speed

Ma-kun:SH*T SH*T SH*T!

Ma-kun,as fast as his body allowed him,made evasive maneuvers ,inches away from the blade,one hit for sure would not only hurt him,but kill him slowly by the pain it could inflict

J-chad:F*ck,c'mon J,you need to put up a fight, DON'T LET THEM THINK YOU ARE SCARED OF THEM

J-chad step up and with all the strength she could reunite

J-chad:Not only I am in danger

She put herself in guard,to protect not just Ma-kun or JEnMa..

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