Chapter 1:cwushesUwU

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Gogy is shy👉👈
Drem is super popular

Drem is exchange student from America and goes to 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 parties


dreamyweamycreamy and gogywogysoggyloggy get paired together for some uwu science asesment and become bestiewesties and gogywogysoggyloggy gets a crush on dreamyweamycreamy and then kisses dreamyweamycreamy which makes dreamyweamycreamy realise he ALSO has a crush on gogywogysoggyloggy but gogogywogysoggyloggygy is ignoring dreamyweamycreamy and then they have a dramatic rain scene where dreamyweamycreamy is all like "I LOVE YOU GOGYSOGGLYLOGGYMOMMYCOMMYROMMY" and goggogywogysoggyloggyys like "OK, LET US HAVE SE-"

And they do the love-making deed and it scandalous cause sappynappywappy walks in on them and then he's all like angy and then runs off too karlywarlymarlywarly

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