Chapter 5: lifeing

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dweamycreamy and gogywogysogylogy were totally not doing the lovey-dovey when they heard about sappynappywappy and karlywarlymarly doing the deadly deed known as die. 

and they immediately ran to the road where the crash happened gogywogylogysogy kissed karlywarly to make a true loves kiss but it didn't work so he picked sappynappywappy up and placed him on karlywarlys lips 

making them both start lifeing again and then they start doing the lovey-dovey with each other  this makes gogywogylogysogy wanna do the lovey-dovey with dweamycreamyleamyweamy 

karlnap and dweamnotfound both do the lovey-dovey separately on the streets 

Authors Note:

this book is getting so annoying to read so if I don't post on it for a while that's why lmao

dnf stwory uwuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant