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the next morning

"where the fuck am I?" I say dazed as fuck as I woke up today to the sun blaring into my eyes

when I check to see what the time was I saw that it was 5 in the morning

I tried to get up to see where I was but couldn't because an arm had been draped tightly around my waist

I turn around ready to hit someone but then I see my boyfriend soundly asleep

abruptly memories of last night spilled into my head one by one

as I remembered everything that happened the previous night I turn red in embarrassment but then I remembered

I lost my virginity to Diego yesterday holy shit and it was amazing

as if on cue pain shot through my whole body making me groan

"Did I go too hard on you?" Diego yawns

"a bit but it's okay"

"I am sorry my love but I warned you once I started I wouldn't stop until I was satisfied" he smirks

"fuck off anyways get off me your almost fully on top of me you big baboon "

"did you just call me fat?" he fake gasps

"yes now get off me I need to get up now"

"it's 5 am let's sleep in besides you need to rest you're all sore"

"fine only five more minutes"

hours later

when I woke up again I saw that it was not 11 am not 5:05 am

"why didn't you wake me up," I say as I turn around to face Diego to scold him but instead I was greeted with an empty bed


no response

I get off the bed and try to walk but I fall to the ground with a big thump

"Amore are you okay?" Diego yells rushing into the room

when I look up to see him I noticed that he was only wearing some grey sweats that were hanging so dangerously low that you could see his v line

God really took his time on him I just wanna-

"Earth to gabi," Diego says snapping his fingers in front of me


"I asked if you were okay?"

"oh um yeah" I respond obviously very flustered

despite my head being filled with dirty thoughts, I remembered a very important part.

I wasn't wearing any clothes

I was so exhausted that I felt like I was about to pass out so I forgot to put some clothes on when we finished

I quickly grab the sheets from the bed and cover myself

"didn't I tell you not to cover your body with me? besides it's nothing, I haven't seen before" Diego smirks

" hay porfavor Diego callate just Help me get showered and dressed," I say rolling my eyes
[oh please Diego shut up]

"I don't know what you said in the first half but yes ma'am " Diego salutes like a soldier before picking me up in his arms and heading toward the bathroom

he runs me a bath and helps me get in  before leaving me alone to give me some 'privacy'

privacy my ass he was looking at my ass and boobs the whole time

His Deadly Obsession +18Where stories live. Discover now