lunch table. 5th grade

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Me, bella, violet, kinzie, emi and Catlin were all sitting a the lunch table. Bella started to get rude about my trans genderness.. I said "I almost called myself Nevil or Cooper once" "and your real name is juliet." Bella said "that's not my real name, my real name is what I want it to be.. that's my dead name." I responded "Wait, if I used she/her and juliet on you I'm not being disrespectful I'm just using your real personal." Bella said "No?! No the f*** that's tranphoic as f***!!" I yelled back "no *chuckles* it's not..! I can call you whatever I want." Bella teased back. "Not true?! If it's disrespectful to me?? That's like if I called you ugly and you are ugly but you don't want me to call u that so its DISRESPECTFUL!!" I snapped back "chill, I'm speaking the truth." "Im done with this conversation. Your tranphoic and your a annoying f***** b****." I quickly yelled back. I don't remember what happend after I belive it was us going back and forth on how tranphoic she is.. after a minute we started to say stuff like "your always annoying!" "Your an attention seeker!" Etc.. the next day EVERYONE IGNORED WHAT HAPPEND.

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