Chapter 13

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○3rd pov○

"Babe wake up" izuku said in his morning voice. It sounded croaky but that didn't matter.

"Hm" katsuki hummed

"We gotta get up for school, I think todo is already awake." Izku said.

"Okay I'm up" katsuki said. Izuku and katsuki stared at eachother for a bit. Katsuki pushed izukus hair behind his ear and said "your so adorable, I'm so lucky to have you". 

Izuku blushed "I'm lucky to have you my pomeranian"

"Hey" katsuki laughed and playfully punched izuku. 

"Really though kacchan, I love you a lot" with that katsuki placed a soft kiss upon izukus lips. 

"I love you to, but we need to get up, we have to get ready and I wanna see icy-hot" katsuki said with no shame. Izuku giggled and they got up. Once izuku had seen todoroki he ran up to him and jumped on him and cover his face I kisses. 

"Good morning love" izuku chimmed.

"Good morning, I made you and kat breakfast because kat is always making breakfast" todoroki shyly said. Izuku jumped off todoroki and said "awww thank you"

Katsuki came from behind and hugged todoroki, rested his chin upon his sholder and whisperd in todoroki's ear "Thanks cutie". Those words alone sent shivers down todoroki's spine. 

"Stop, don't do that" todoroki whinned as katsuki giggled slightly. Katsuki then cracked his neck and now it was izukus turn to have chills down his spine.

"Oh my gosh, kacchan do not do that. Eughhh" izuku said in a quivers voice.

"I- deku why did you make such a weird noise"

"What noise?" Izuku asked questionably

"That 'eughhh' noise" katsuki said trying to mimic izukus impression

"Because what you did was gross" izuku said bluntly

"That noise you made was gross" katsuki said bluntly as well.

"Stop your silliness before this becomes an argument, I know how you two are" todoroki said cutting in between the two to stop the argument that was arising. 

"Yeah yeah whatever icy-hot it's no-" katsuki was cut off by a kiss from todoroki and just the ochako and toga walk in. 

"Woah what's up with your boyfriends" toga said watching the two males kiss. Izuku quickly blocks them with his arms. 

"N-nothing to see here hehe don't worry bout it" izuku says kind of embarrassed for them.

"Anyway deku do you, todoroki and bakugou wanna go yo school with us" ochako said.

"Sure I don't mind, also apparently Mr aizawa has a surprise for us" izuku said spilling the tea. (I'm sorry I had to 😅)

"REALLY! Oops I mean really, what did we do to deserve it" ochako said correcting herself.

"Apperently, we have worked so hard that we deserve a treat" izuku said happily

"ALRIGHT! I CANT WAIT! I mean that sound so cool" ochako said 

"Say, have you got any idea on where we are going" toga says with a bit of curious that over came her voice.

"I've got a few ideas we have the beach, but like for a week um the fun fair to another country but that's all I know so far" izuku says still thinking 

Toga replies with a "oh ok I really hope we go on holiday that would be so cool." She gave a smile and continued "well me and och should be going now bai bai izu"

"Bye toga and uraraka" izuku turned around and looked at his to boyfriends.

"Are you to done" izuku grabbed the back if there heads and smashed them together "geez quit making out and go and eat your damn food. Now."

"What are you gonna do abo-" katsuki mocked

"Katsuki bakugou, I said now." Izuku said putting his foot down.

"Yes sir" katsuki says out if fear and grabs his food. The tree boys get changed and go with toga and ochako to school.

"Hello problem children, so apparently I had to do this but we are gonna go on holiday because you work hard through out this year now leave me alone, I'm going to sleep" aizawa said and lay down in his yellow sleeping bag

The class erupted in cheers, sqeels and laughter. "WERE GOING ON HOLIDAY". Aizawa opend one eye and the class was quiet again. "I can't wait" toga says being the talkative one she is " I really can't wait were gonna do so much stuff, oh my gosh it's gonna be so fun ..." she continued. Luckily they have to have 3 people per room to that was good and izuku is going to request to be put with todoroki and bakugou. 

"I'm not really one to be like this bit I'm quite excited" katsuki says

"Not gonna lie same" todoroki says. Izuku sits there and stares bakugou and todoroki and admire them.

Izuku smiles and says "I must be one of the most luckiest guys out here to have boyfriends and good and mine"


I'm finnaly getting a few more ideas im my head but done 

Hope you liked

801 words 

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