Chapter 6

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"Today I caught myself smiling for no reason.. Then I realized I was thinking about you."

Sanja's P.O.V.

I woke up really early. A smile crept to my face when I remembered that today I would be flying to Germany. I was so happy about the fact that I would see my family again. But what when they don't like Zayn ? Normally they say what they think right away. However it was impossible to dislike Zayn and if they say something bad about him, he won't even understand. So, I had no need to worry. 

After I changed into grey sweatpants, a white top, a black cardigan and some black Vans, I tried to wake up Zayn. Again he didn't wake up when I shook him. I wrapped my arms tightly around him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Instead of pushing me away, he hugged me back and kissed my forehead. He smiled warmly at me, sending shivers down my spine.

Quickly he got ready and we headed downstairs for some breakfast. 

Afterwards it was time to go. Zayn's family didn't bring us to the airport because they had to do something. Safaa was crying. I stooped down and picked her up. 

"Don't cry, sweetheart. You look a lot more beautiful when you smile." 

She giggled and I kissed her cheeks and her forehead, then I gave her to Zayn.

After a group hug, me and Zayn got into a taxi. 

When we arrived at the airport, we went through security. We were walking around when Zayn suddenly took my hand and intertwined our fingers. I know it sounds cheesy but our hands fit perfectly. I looked at my little hand in his big one and smiled up to him.

After 2 hours we were in Germany. When I saw my family I ran towards them. My little brother, my sister and my Mom were here. My dad was probably working in our restaurant. I pulled my family in a group hug. 

"Mama I missed you so much.'' I managed to say between tears.

(A/N : Of course Zayn doesn't understand anything but I won't write the conversations on German/Croatian and on English because I don't think that anybody here understands Croatian/German :D ) 

I spotted Zayn standing there awkwardly. 

"Mama, that's Zayn. Zayn that's my mom Marija, my sister Ivana and my brother Adrian."

Zayn held his hand out for my mom but instead of shaking his hand, she hugged him and kissed him on both cheeks. My sister did the same. I picked my little brother up and we headed to the car. 

My sister sat in the passanger seat while my mom drove.

During the car ride I translated for Zayn what my Mom said and vice versa.

 They got along well. After the long car ride Zayn and I went to my room to put our clothes in the closet. Somehow it felt nice to be 'at home'. Actually this never really felt like home. Some people here were trying to make my life even worse than it was before we moved to Germany. Just because I was different and didn't speak German perfectly. But I was still happy to see my family.

I sighed at the thought of my old bullies. I just hope that I won't see any of them. 

While my mom made us some lunch, Zayn and I were just sitting in my old room and talking. 

Suddenly my little brother came in and sat on Zayn's lap. Zayn started to play with him and tickle him. The laughter of the two filled the room. That was probably the most adorable sight ever. I grabbed my phone and took a picture.

"I like him." Adrian giggled. 

We went downstairs to eat lunch. 

When we finished eating lunch, my dad came and I introduced him to Zayn.

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