Chapter 7

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"How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said."

Victor Hugo

Sanja's P.O.V. 

Our lips touched and we started moving in sync. His lips felt rough yet soft against my lips. My heart was beating so fast. Sparks flew and I forgot the whole world. In this moment it was just me and Zayn. There was nobody to disturb us. The kiss was passionate yet sweet.

We pulled away to catch our breath. For a few moments we were just sitting there and staring at each other. 

"I like it more when you have your hair down." Zayn whispered. 

I let my hair down and smiled shyly at him. 

This kiss confused me.Sure, it was perfect and I wished it so badly. But I had doubts. What if it make things awkward between us ? What if it didn't mean anything to him ? What if he has forgotten it by tomorrow ?

Maybe I am just overthinking everything. I should just enjoy the moment. 

Zayn's P.O.V.

This kiss was overwhelming. It was better than I could ever have imagined. I wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this.

But maybe, she didn't feel the sparks and butterflies which I felt.

I don't think that Sanja is a girl who kisses a guy without having feelings for him. But what if she kissed me so she didn't hurt me ? I should probably tell her about my feelings. I think it's the right thing to do but either way I'm going to the X-Factor. If Sanja was in love with me, I wouldn't go. However I guess I have to. My mom already knows that I'll go so there is no backing off.

Maybe my feelings for her will disappear when I'm away for the X-Factor. I think it's unlikely but it's worth a try. I've never felt like this before. My love for her is growing everyday. Being with her is like breathing, I couldn't live without it. In such a short time she became a big part of my life. 

Honestly, I would never audition for the X-Factor if it wasn't for Sanja. She believes in me and makes me strong. I don't know when I will tell her that I will go. Sooner or later I have to tell her. I'm just afraid that she will be upset. Even if she doesn't feel the same for me I know that I mean a lot to her. Hopefully everything will be alright.

Sanja's P.O.V. 

Zayn seemed to be deep in thought so I didn't want to disturb him. I was just sitting there, watching him biting his lip while playing with my hair. That's are two rather cute habits of him. My phone went off and I pulled it out. ' 28 missed called by Mama'. It was already 2.30 am. 

I sighed and got up, pulling Zayn with me.  

"C'mon. My Mama is waiting for us." I said.

He intertwined our fingers and we headed home. When we arrived I saw my mom standing in the doorway and looking rather angry. I guess she spotted our intertwined fingers because she sent me a knowing grin. Zayn chuckled but immediately let go of my hand while I blushed furiously.

We went into the kitchen and sat down with my parents. 

"Where does Zayn sleep ?" my dad asked. 

"In my room Tata (dad)" I answered.

"Why ? Do you still have nightmares ?", my dad asked. 

I nodded and my parents looked worriedly at me. 

"Why don't you go to a therapist ?", my mom asked. 

"How many times do I have to say that I don't want to ? That won't help anyway. I can deal with it. I'm not a little kid anymore." I said angrily. 

I grabbed Zayn's hand and pulled him upstairs, leaving my parents desperately in the kitchen.

When Zayn and I were in my room, tears started falling down my cheeks. Immediately he pulled me close and pressed me against his chest. After I calmed down we got changed. 

We laid down and once again he hugged me tightly. I sobbed silently while tears streamed down my face.

Honestly, I can't deal with it. But I don't see the point in going to a therapist. As if he could understand me. He didn't see that what I saw. He didn't go through the hell I went through. Only people who were there can understand what I feel. 

I'm so grateful for Zayn and my family. I don't what I would be without them. They make me foget about  the pain and the images that have been burned into my brain. Even if it's just for a small amount of time. I hate myself for making my parents suffer. My mom went through the same and she doesn't complain at all. 

The next morning (Sanja's P.O.V.) 

I woke up really early to make breakfast for my family and Zayn. Adrian was already awake so I had to cook and carry a rather heavy 2 year old boy. Somehow I managed to cook coffee, hot chocolate, pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs. I set the table and made my way upstairs to wake everybody up. After waking my parents and my sister up, I quickly grabbed a glass of water and some painkillers for Zayn and went to my room. Strangely he was already awake. 

"Having a hangover ?" I winked. 

He mumbled something and took the water and the painkillers.

"Are you angry because I drunk you under the table ?" I joked. 

He glared at me and we went to the kitchen. After an hour or so my parents had to go to work and my sister went into the living room to play with our brother. I noticed that Zayn sniffled a lot so I sent him to bed. I brought him some tea. 

"I'm so sorry, Ljubavi. I shouldn't have taken your jacket." I said.

"I'd rather be ill than see you ill." he said while smiling sweetly at me. 

I hugged him but than I remembered the kiss. Did he forget it ? Sure, that would hurt but it would be worse if he didn't feel the same for me. I couldn't bring myself to talk about it.

But who knows ? Maybe that's for the best.

Zayn's P.O.V.

She was so sweet taking care of me. I wasn't even that ill but I enjoyed Sanja's attention. 

The whole day we were just laying in the bed and cuddling.

I wanted to feel her sweet lips once again, but unfortunately she didn't mention the kiss. I guess she forgot it because I know Sanja as a person who says what she thinks. 

I think I can live with the fact that we aren't a couple. At least as long as she doesn't get a boyfriend.


Who wants to know Sanja's secret ? :) 

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Lots of love.xx

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