Chapter 17

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Zayn's P.O.V. (About a week later..)

The past week was great. I spent everyday with Sanja and the boys. We haven't done anything special but either way we had a lot of fun. When I got up and went to the kitchen, I saw that Sanja was already making breakfast. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck. She smelt like always: her parfume, strawberries and a bit like cigarettes. I loved her scent. I kissed her cheek and began to help her. Usually the lads would come and eat breakfast with us but I told them not to. I wanted to tell Sanja something. After a few minutes we grabbed our plates and sat down at the table.

"You know what is next week ?" She asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"No?" I gave her a confused look.

"Next week, we know each other for a year." She smiled.

"Oh, how could I forget that ?! I will take you out, ok ?" She nodded her head while a blush crept to her cheeks.

"Babe, I have something to tell you.." I said.

"What is it, Ljubavi ?" She asked worried.

"Perrie is moving into my flat." I mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

"Oh. I will talk to Niall. Maybe I can move in with him."

"I want you to stay, babe."

"It would be awkward. How about we talk to Niall and afterwards you talk to Perrie ?"

"Ok. There's another thing.. Perrie will come today and I wanted to intodruce her to you."

"When will she be here ?"

"In two hours or so." She nodded. When I looked to her I saw nothing but sadness in her eyes. How could I be stupid enough to hurt Sanja ? I wanted her to stay but I can understand that she didn't want to. I didn't know why I even agreed to Perrie. She insisted to move in with me and to go public. I didn't want to. I didn't know what I feel for her but it's definitely nothing compared to my feelings for Sanja. Either way I still agreed. Whenever I kissed her I imagined how amazing it would be to kiss Sanja again. With Perrie, there weren't any butterflies or sparks but with Sanja I felt the whole zoo.  When I saw Perrie, I didn't get this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. The time she slept over and I woke up with my arms around her, I wished it would be Sanja who lied beside me.

Whenever I was with Perrie, I didn't admire her beauty. Whenever I stared into her eyes, there wasn't this magical moment. Whenever she laughed my mood didn't lit up like with Sanja. I asked myself what the problem was but I actually already knew it. The problem was that she wasn't Sanja and she could never be her.

I got up and washed the dishes. I was so absent that I didn't even realise that Sanja went to the bathroom to take a shower probably. Afterwards I went to my room and got ready. I pulled a red button up shirt, black skinnies and black converse on. Then I styled my quiff.  

A few moments later Sanja came inside the room. She had only a towel wrapped aroud her body. I couldn't help but stare. She finished searching for clothes and turned around to face me. I smiled at her. She returned the smile and asked: " Will the boys and El come too ?"

"Yes. Danielle will come too but they will come before Perrie arrives." I replied. She nodded and went back to the bathroom. 

I hoped that Perrie and Sanja would get along. If Sanja didn't like Perrie, I wouldn't know what to do.

Sanja's P.O.V.

I went back to the bathroom and pulled my clothes on. I decided to wear skinny jeans, a withe top, a black sweat jacket and my beloved Nike Air Force 1.  

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