Back in Ohio

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I was silent most of the bus ride just thinking about getting home and my phone call with Chris the next day. Once we pulled into the school parking lot I got off the bus and found my mom and rushed to hug her. Even though she could be overbearing and overprotective she was still all I had.

"How was New York?" Mom asked as I got my suitcase, waved to Marty and Aubrey. We got to the car and I sighed once inside.

"New York was amazing! I had the best time...I met someone." I said decided to just rip of the band aid. I got a look from my mother and I decided to just not look at her.

"Davina Nicole Baxter! You met a guy in New York?!" Andrea, my mom asked and I sighed.

"Well he isn't from New York, he was another senior trip and he is from Boston. His name is Chris Evans and he was so sweet and amazing. Well the 2 schools combined on the trip and his school combined with ours. We just kind of clicked." I explained really fast and Andrea just looked at me.

"And you like him..." Andrea said and I sighed.

"He kissed me mom..." I said omitting that it was more than once.

"He kissed you?!" She asked and smiled at me when I finally looked at her and I nodded.

"He also asked me to be his prom date...." I trailed off and that's when the car went silent.

"His Prom? In Boston?" Andrea asked and I sighed.

"Yeah and I invited him to mine." I said and she sighed.

"Vinny..." She said.

"Mom please, he is going to call tomorrow, and we said we can even talk to his mom. Please mom, I really like him." I said and she sighed.

"We will see. It takes money to get to Boston and then a hotel..." She said and I shook my head.

"He said we could stay with him and his mom. I said he could even stay with us when they come into town. Please mom...." I begged.

"We will talk on the phone tomorrow." Andrea said and I smiled at her and she smiled at me. It wasn't a huge one and I knew I was asking for a lot but this was all I wanted, to see Chris again and go to Prom with him.


I was pacing by the phone the next day, Chris was supposed to call at was 1:57....

"You are going to wear a hole in my floor, can you stop?" Andrea said and I shook my head.

"Not until the phone rings." I said and she sighed.

"Are you talking first or do I need to go get on the other extension?" Andrea asked and shrugged.

"I don't know, we haven't talked about how this is going to go." I said and I looked at the clock...1:58... I stopped looking and sighed. Then it happened.

The phone started ring.

I smiled and quickly answered. "Hello?"

"Is Vinny there?" I heard his voice ask and I smiled.

"This is she. Hey Chris." I said and I heard him exhale.

"I was so nervous to call." Chris said and I smiled.

"Why?!" I asked shocked.

"Vinny, we had this whirlwind...romance in New York, I wasn't sure if you even still cared." Chris said and I gave a small laugh.

"I do Chris, I do still care and still want this...whatever it may be." I said and I could tell Chris was smiling.

"Did you talk to your mom?" Chris asked.

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