Chapter 1

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Sunlight poured through gossamer curtains, warming the cool stone floor. Slowly the rays stretched toward the large bed, the soft silks and feather pillows. Luxury, the perfect room for a princess. Jewels had been laid on nearly every table and each piece of furniture was hand carved of the finest wood in the worlds.

Eveny jolted upright in the bed, ink black curls spilling around her shoulders. Looking around, her heart raced in her chest. No, no, no. This is wrong. So wrong. Something brushed against her skin and she sneered. "Nice way to try and lure someone to stay."

Brushing away the magic, she climbed out of the bed. Gone was her simple dress, one she'd worn almost daily. They had dressed her. They had put her in a gown of the darkest green, with skirts that shimmered with every step.

"Stupid magic." Tugging at the material, she strode away from the bed, looking around for anything more suitable. The last thing she needed was to be hindered by this gown.

The wardrobes and chests were empty and no knife was laying about for her to even cut at the material. Her bare feet moved her across the room as she tried to remain calm. Eveny scowled at one of the mirrors, raising a single finger to the silver.

Moving to the fireplace, she slipped the poker from it's stand and moved to the door. "Okay, no one get in my way."

Gathering her courage, the female opened the door and looked around. Nothing was in the long hall and she let go of a breath. First step was going great. If only she could keep up the good luck. Her first few strides were slow and cautious, but the worry of being discovered was eating at her.

Her feet weren't silent against the floor as she ran, but she made them as quiet as possible. Slowing around every corner but still, not a soulless being in sight. Something in her was prowling and she was ready to fight for her life.

Hand wrapped tight around the handle as she flew down the halls, skirts rustling behind her. Every second she wasted in this maze of corridors and rooms meant a second closer for them to find her.

Her feet nearly went out from under her as she turned the next corner. Looking behind her for just a moment, her head whipped back, only to slam into something solid.

Hissing, Eveny dropped the poker and bent over, clutching her nose. "Son of a whore." She gasped and reached back for her weapon.

A boot set itself upon the ebony rod and pushed down. Fuck. Slowly she raised her gaze, traveling over leather gear, with blue accents. Continuing upward over the leather vest and tunic, from the clean expanse of a sun turned bronze throat. A set of lips set in a firm frown and eyes that were harsh.

"Already trying to escape, princess?" The male asked, crossing his arms.

Straightening, forgetting the weapon she once had, she eyed the array of knives on him, and the one sword he carried. "Maybe? Or maybe I just got thirsty."

An eyebrow raised and he glanced at the poker underneath his boot. "You were thirsty and took the poker. Let me guess, to use it as a stirring implement?"

He was mocking her. Clenching her hands, she glared at him. "Maybe it was to smack stuck up men that ask stupid questions."

He smirked and she hated the thing that purred at the expression. Taking a deep breath, the smell of pine and leather wound around her. Snorting it out with a sneer, she licked her teeth.

"So, I'm gonna just pick up this poker, skirt around you, and be on my way. You can pretend you never saw me." She grimaced and shrugged. "Try and stop me and I'll tear you apart."

"I'd like to see you try, sweetheart." His voice held it's own joy and she found it as irritating as being here.

Observing him closer, she almost missed the height difference. How she could was anyone's guess. The top of her head barely reached his jaw. Not to mention he was a tower of solid muscle and no doubt had years of training to back it up.

"Come along, princess, the Court wishes to see you." His voice became serious again. "I'll not punished if you're tardy. Which means I'll get you there by any means necessary, even if I have to pick you up and carry you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

The two stared each other down, a battle of wills. For a moment, Eveny thought she could win, until he advanced a step, getting far to close for comfort.

"Fine!" She snapped and backed up. "I'll go see the stupid Court, they can send me back home. I'll be walking though. You will not carry me."

He motioned ahead of himself. "As if I'd want to."

Walking past him, she knew he was waiting for her to bolt. Straightening her shoulders she decided not to do that. The way he moved was entirely lethal and she didn't have a doubt in her mind that she would never be able to outrun him. One foot in front of the other, she tried to ignore him as he walked behind her.

"Why were you sent to collect me, since you seem to love my company?" She asked when she couldn't stand the seconds of silence.

"I've been assigned as your bodyguard. Consider it torturous for us both, sweetheart." No emotion in his words and she felt her blood begin to boil.

"Wow, I'm just as hated here as I was in the human realm. Might as well send me back so I'm not a burden." Eveny snipped and looked back at him.

"I told you once that I won't be punished for your actions. I don't care what I have to put you through to follow the rules. You will obey."

She smiled as she turned back around. "We'll just see about that won't we?"

The woman could feel him glaring at the back of her head and she nearly flinched when he put his hand between her shoulders. "To the right."

Quickening her step to get away from his touch, she followed his direction and looked at the two massive doors. Two harts facing each other, antlers intertwined. What a show of luxury. Two helmeted guards stood on either side of the door, hands pushing at the wood at her approach.

Inside it seemed like a hundred eyes were staring at her. All sharp gazes, with a sort of disdain at her human blood. Their pointed ears flattening to solidify their disgust.

Gods, she hated fae.

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