Basement Arguement + explain

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Third roach pov:
I was sweating shambles trying not to hint that I'm here nor I'm hiding.

Oh dear.


They're near me.

Oh god.

They were shuffling the boxes near me. Until.

They were right Infront of me...

I shuddered to the thought of being beat up.

I felt a singular tap.

Then the whole blanket

I tried hiding myself in me wings further.

Who are you?!

I heard the young man Infront of me say.

I slowly lifted my head up to take a peak to whoever this is.

Y-you??!... Aren't you the one who betrayed father?!

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit im doomed


I... Had forgot the meeting was the following day and not today. God USSR your very dumb.

I sighed walking back to my house and realized I actually had forgotten my car keys with me so i went to do that first.

I opened the door to be met with silence. And then shouting from the basement.


I dropped my keys and ran down the hallway to the back of the house. The basement door was open. Well i just proved I'm even more dumb for forgetting to lock it!

I ran down the flight of stairs to be met with Russia and a horrified Reich in s fetal.position hiding in his wings.

Russia was about to hit him but i grabbed his hand thus making him stop.

Dad?! What is he doing here?!. especially on our basement?!

I- before I could even explain anything Ukraine and Belarus came to check what was the noise about.

Dad what's happening-

Everybody looked shocked except Reich and Belarus

It's Mister Reich! Belarus said out loud.

Belarus?! You know him?! Ukraine and Russia said out loud in unison

You all didn't know?.. he's a nice person living in the basement

Dad would you mind explaining what the fuck is happening?!!
Russia said almost yelling.

I- he's staying here for a reason okay?!-
I was cut off again by Russia.

It's because you still love him don't you?!!-

Okay what the fuck was happening that made Latvia Estonia and Lithuania and most. If the fucking kids cry?-
Kazakhstan walked in that looked tired.

They all stood there staring at each other.


I wonder what's gonna happen next (●__●)

This one is a lil bit longer

400 words

_chapter end
_chapter start


They all stood there staring at each other seemingly frozen in place.

Aight uh I'm out-
Kazakhstan who first broke the silence between all of them

Belarus went to Reich and sat with him to try and stop him from being afraid.

Mr Reich why are you scared?

Belarus- Ukraine said before being stopped by Kazakhstan who was on his way out.

Dad explain?!! Russia yelled out

Fine i will! If you would gladly stop yelling?!

Belarus and Reich were hugging in the background. Ukraine and Kazakhstan had left to comfort the others.

I just had a little sympathy for him that's all!

Are you sure that's all father?! You had all reasons after he betrayed you?! You even mentioned you lo-

Hush Russia! Don't mention that

Why shouldn't i?

Can all of you stop yelling?? Reich said out loud enough for everyone in the room to hear

Fine! I'm out of here! Russia yelled out one final time before Soviet let him go and went upstairs stomping angrily

Soviet looked at Reich and Reich looked at him. Belarus uttered words nobody would expect

Why was brother yelling?..

B-belarus... Don't mind your brother please..

Soviet said in a sighing tone

End of chapter Ehe

I wonder what happens next ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

213 words

Chapter Management


623 words

ages so y'all won't get confused (• ▽ •;)

Soviet Onion-31
Third Reich- 28
Afghanistan-29( yes shes here)
USA -19

-ussr republics

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