Part Five: Under New Leadership

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Soon enough everyone was with me except for Ever. Although she did follow us after a moment alone.

"So what now?" Ryan asked as we get back down to the weird mannequin place.

"Yeah what's the plan?" Jacey said.

Everyone's eyes were on me looking for an answer.

"Why are you looking at me?" I put my hands up in defence.

"Well you're the leader" Steven said.

"Since a-when?" I put my hand up defensively.

"Well" Randall said emerging from behind me "We can't go out there. It's not safe so we barricade the doors and let's just stay in here"

"No, we'll just trap ourselves" Ever chimes in "We have no food. No water. We need help and I think there is help out there. There has to be, what but you just wanna sit here and do nothing" She says turning to Randall.

"Wow. Calm down Ever I'm just trying to protect us" Randall says placing a hand on my waist.

"Yeah" she scoffed "That's all I'm sure"

"Well what do you suggest we do then Ever?" Randall asked nicely.

All eyes were on her but she choked.

"Those things. I say we draw them to one side of the building and then slip threw the other. Go get your phones, maybe." She could barley finish her sentence.

"No- no absolutely not. Absolutely fucking not it's dangerous guys come on help me with the doors" Randall tried convincing everyone.

"Wait, who put you in charge exactly?" She said stopping Ryan who was ready to follow Randall.

"Ever" Tamra whined.

"What? I am sick of no one listening to common sen-" She got in Randall's face.

"Absolutely not. I forbid it. No!" Randall yelled back at her.

"Let's let Julianna decide. Okay" Jacey said trying to break the argument.

"You're right Ever. We need food, we need help and if these things aren't gone soon we should do your plan. Plan B let's say. But we should barricade the door and try to wait it out. Less risk" I said calmly getting between the two.

"No. I am doing this with or without your support" Ever yelled.

"If you fuck this up we can all die" Randall said getting in her face.

"We have listened to you this whole day,you somehow alway had the answers so everyone went along with it. But how's that working out for us?" She said baring everyone silent "Danny was right, what we fire"

Before I knew it she was back upstairs making an explosive with spray paint cans and her own ripped shirt. She pulled a lighter out of nowhere and lit the fabric on fire. Randall held my hand tightly as the threw the bomb at the van.

She turned around and tried to act like she knew at all what she was doing. She walked out confident. She's so annoying it was obvious that she was freaking out.

"There is no back way out" Randall said.

"I'll make one" She kept walking.

"Ever" Tamra yelled running after her.

Nothing we did could stop her from leaving. I hate everyone here with us right now. The only person I cared about coming in was Hunt. Now I care for Randall. The only people I didn't hate were Jacey, Randall and Ryan was okay I guess. They're the only people that deserve to get out. And of course Hunt, I know he's still alive.

While Steven and Ever were out doing whatever they were doing we were barricading the doors and windows. It seemed safe enough to last us a while but in retrospect we would be dead in a week. I was with Randall the whole time and he was acting off. I turned away for a second and he was gone. I could hear heavy breathing from a room near by.

"Randall are you okay?" I said following the sound.

He was sitting on the ground taking deep breaths. I kneeled done next to him and was immediately pulled into a hug.

"What's wrong babe?" I said finally getting my breath back.

"This has gone way too far" He said choking on his words.

"What has?"

"It's not real, the zombies they're just drugged up people" He said tucking his head into my shoulder.

"What? We have to tell everyone" I said getting up.

"No, we can't. This was all my idea" He started crying.

"You killed my brother, you crazy fuck" I shoved him Amhara into the wall.

"I wanted to stop, I did but he wouldn't let me" He covering his face.

"Who?" I said clearly still mad.

"Steven and Chip the drug dealer" he yelled back.

"Steven and some drug dealer killed my brother" I yelled at him.

"No, he's alive. We can save him" he said standing up.

"You're gonna help me save him" I said grabbing him.

"Yes we are, we can save everyone" He whispered with a hug.

"Good let's go tell them everything that's going on" I tried to walk out.

He grabbed my arm.

"We'll save them but we can't tell anyone" He hugged me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Why not?" I yelled at him.

"Please just trust me. They're in a cage Steven wants to kill them, I'm trying to fix this" He cried.

"I trust you baby, I love- you" I said taking my words back as I said them.

"I love you too" He had a stupid smile on his face.

We left the room and went back to join the others. We were backed away from the others having a conversation. Tamra stared at me and started to walk over.

"Let me talk to you" She snarked grabbing onto my shoulder roughly. Too roughly.

She pushed me back and shoved me into a corner.

"He's mine by the way" She spat in my face "You can't have him I don't care what you think"

"Bro, what?" I laughed.

"He wanted me before you" She said shoving me back again.

"Fucking good for you" I yelled throwing her body back and too the ground.

I walked back to Randall who looked both shocked and proud. He glanced up from my eyes to look behind me.

"She's staring" He whispered with a smile on his face.

I grabbed his face and pulled him in for the hardest, roughest kiss ever. I kept going until I saw her leave out of the corner of my eye.

The Dark Side- Randall Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora