Chapter 1: At home

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Abigale Nile. POV:

August 17th, Monday. Oh how I ABSOLUTELY LOATH Mondays but today is a special Monday. Today's the day where I get to sleep in and my idiotic brother has to take control. 'Oi, nimrod it's time to wake up~' I thought to myself and him but he's unimportant at the moment.

'What do you want?' I heard someone say in my head 'Its Monday, your turn to take the lead' after I said that I heard a long sigh and then a 'Ugh, seriously?...fine.' and then in that moment came that ungodly feeling, I've never seen it happen but our parents say it's 'freaky' and 'scary'. They've never actually explained what it looked like.

But, I can explain what it feels like. It feels as if your body is splitting into two beings and then your thrown in a bright room called 'the mindscape'. Ok... I'm kidding I can't describe what it feels like, to be completely and utterly honest I don't know what it feels like... But you know i thought I'd be funny.

Once our little 'switcheroo' is done I get to enjoy what little time I have in our shared but separate mindscape. In the mindscape it's basically a white room with whatever you want in it. All you have to do is think of what you want and BOOM it'd already be there.


Ugh I hate Mondays, mostly because I have to leave my man cave for the "real world". Who likes the real world anyway, I bet if anyone else had this ability they'd never wanna leave. But that'd never happen or at least that's what my mom tells me.

Today's the last day of summer. Schools starting tomorrow, or at least home school since me and Abby can't go to normal school due to our power. Like who cares that we can't technically be separated from our body for more than 30 min. without dying, like what does that matter.

But no one ever listens. Well other than Abby...when she wants to. I haven't ever had a friend that wasn't her or Juniper our robot dog. 'dude, that's sad. Did you forget I can read your mind if you're not careful?' 'JESUS STOP SPYING ON ME STALKER!' 'never try to.'

I hate when she does that.... Like I wish I had my own privacy rather than sharing a body with a sassy and rude 13 year old. 'were both 13 nimrod' 'GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!' GAH I hate sharing a Brain Space with her. "ARTHUR OR ABIGAIL TIME FOR BREAKFAST!" there was my breakfast call.

I wonder what mom made today, hopefully waffles. I love waffles, and eggs. "What's for breakfast mom?" " Sausage, egg, and toast." "Sweet" my dad replied. He always ate mom's cooking like it was the last meal on earth. "Yummy" I told my mother as I sat down on a stool and started chowing down on the eggs and sausage eating like a pig.

As I walked to the table I was ATTACKED by my dog! ' Puh-Lease attacked is an over-exaggeration, more like tapped' 'OH SHUT IT ABIGALE YOU AIN'T ME!' 'technically I am nimrod' 'Oh shut it's "Yo, Arthur, enough arguing with your sister and eat. It's weird watching you just stand their looking offended or annoyed at yourself."

"Sorry dad" I said before sitting down at the table and eating. "And on today's news we have Dr.Elecvic and Ms. Ghost commenting on the latest villain figh-" I heard the TV say before my mom used her telekinesis to shut the TV off. "Babe! I was watching that I wanted to listen to them" my dad whined.

" Not Infront of our boy. Understood?" She told my dad, a glare plastered on her face. I hated it when they only talked about me it just hurt Abby to hear it. As we both can talk to each other in the mindscape we both hear what someone says to us as well. So my parents unknowingly leave out my sister.

I know we should tell them but every time we try it gets dismissed and we move onto another unrelated topic so we stopped trying. But it still hurts her, I can feel it. It hurts her a lot that they don't include her especially when she isn't there. It hurts me too but mom and dad usually make me the 'seen' twin as I have a 'stronger and more useful power'.

PS. I'd love to hear feedback on this story :)

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