Chapter 2: Still at Home

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     Arthur POV
               Two hours later: 10:34 am

    As I make my way back downstairs for a snack I hear my mother's voice whisper yelling at something. Oh! Sorry, usually I don't have to explain this. . . My superpower is super hearing/ and light manipulation: meaning I can make almost anything I want as long as I can see light.

       It's a pretty sick power, other than it makes me nauseous (pun intended) if I use the power too much. The more light that's around the bigger I can make something. "Well I don't care what you have to do as long as what I want done gets done! " I could hear my mother say to someone.

      I decided to not let her know I had been eavesdropping and make myself known 'pretty loudly might I add, you woke me up' Sorry! I half lied in that statement. As I walked down the stairs I decided it would be better to fall. 'you didn't decide that, you just fell dingus' OH SHUT UP! But yes, I fell. Successfully announcing my arrival.

     "Oh! Arthur, there you are I was about to call you down, your father and I have something to tell you" "Tell them you mean, Abigail can hear you? We tested that remember?" My dad said from the kitchen staring directly at mom. My mom looked back to him and rolled her eyes "yeah, sure. Now Arthur me and your father. . . Have to go on a . . . Business trip." "You mean you guys have to do hero stuff" I said slowly.

      "Yea smart Alek, we have hero stuff to do" My dad spoke to me. "Soo, what does that mean for me and abbi?" I asked dad. "Since we're gonna be gone and your mother doesn't trust anyone to watch you, the government has decided to let you got to a school specifically for super-kids" I'm not gonna lie that surprised me.

       For one, me and abbi have been homeschooled since day one and have had no problems, other than the time a villain snuck in as a nanny and tried to kill us but otherwise it's been pretty smooth sailing. " So we're going to a school with other super kids?" I spoke out loud. This was when my mom butted in and explained everything. Me and abbi were going to leave the next morning on a plane to a secret location and go to school with other super kids until our parents get back.

      Turns out pretty much every super is being called to action. They won't tell us why but I'm suspecting it has something to do with a villain wow genius no one would've guessed that my snarky and rude sister told me. "Hey, Arthur and Abbi when we get back I promise we'll watch the new movie" my dad spoke out as I walked upstairs. My response was a thumbs up and a toothy smile.

     I looked at the clock next to my bed 12:05 is what it read. This means I'll be able to play my video games, of course I have to play single player games so no one finds out our location. That was mom's one rule so I could play them, whether I always listened to them were on debate. My robo dog jumped on the bed and started barking, to be honest the dog was really creepy it never blinked, only ate metal scraps, and would just stare at you.

     Me and Abbi came up with the same birthday present, a dog. Mom doesn't like dogs so she had one made. It's supposed to look like a Chihuahua but it looks more like some small cat. We of course were happy about the gift but we realized really quickly how creepy it was. Now you might wonder ' why didn't you just make a dog with your power.

     Let me explain it this way. My power can't create a living thing, I could make it look like to was breathing but it'd take too much energy and make me sick. I tried before to make a small dog, I was sick for 2 weeks and the dog faded and distorted within a couple hours. Moral of the story I can't make something alive. I could make a statue of a dog but that's just weird.

    I hopped into my chair and just watched random YouTube videos for about 3 hours before my mom and dad yelled to get packed. I got up and went to abbi's side of the room. Now most people don't know this but if me and Abbi are disconnected is how id put it, we will be fine if we morph together again before 3 hours. Once we disconnected from eachother we started packing.

    We've moved a lot over the years so we didnt have too much. I picked clothes and shoes for the school along with my glasses. No I wasn't as blind as a bat but I had astigmatism and was slightly near sighted so I had these glasses made. They work well but I don't wear them cause I don't really need them unless I'm sitting far behind something. And I don't know where I'll sit at this new school.

    Packing was easy so it took less than an hour. Once we were ready we sat down and played some games. Which I rarely win at. It was always a hassle to beat Abbi in any video game unless it has something to do with math. Which ended in both of us rage quitting as neither of us like math. Abbi hates math and will go out of her way so she doesn't have to use math.

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