Liar,Liar pants on fire

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"Hey guys" Emma shouts to her friends
There's utter silence for some reason, just then she hears a voice ,but it was no usual words, it was quite unusual for them words to that specific person before. Soon she got over there to hear stuff like, it will be okay but she still walked over.
"Hey guys" Emma says again
But again she was ignored just then some one said
"Why did you cut Sarah?" One kid said
"Yeah why" another kid followed.
Emma thought it was someone else until glares, followed her as she sat down but the teacher stopped her from sitting in her
Usual seat
"Emma can you sit alone at the back please, I mean we don't want you hurting anyone else?" Mrs.Brown asked
Just as Emma sat down, she felt something sticky, but it was all on the chair, was it glue that was pink, or was it gum?
"Eww, who put put gum on my chair!?" Emma exclaimed while bawking
Utter silence once again by now she felt,vengeful for Sarah so she had a plan.

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