I got the lead

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Dear diary,
Okay I feel kinda bad for Sarah I didn't actually return the sceptre I destroyed it she will get her voice back don't worry!
I mean I did get the lead but I still got dirty looks  from the girls even though I knew, they didn't know luckily.Also I'm not that bad I did buy her McDonald's little cows lucky at that point. I do still hate her a ton since she lied about me but there was one other human being whom didn't believe Sarah. It was my bestie she told me how she was acting but she say my steal Sarah's voice but she keeps secrets i can trust her.I did get the best revenge of all time my bestie said but teas nearly ready I'm having lasagna I mean everyone likes lasagna I mean who doesn't I gotta head down soon. But Sarah's back tomorrow I hope she doesn't get revenge for the wrong reasons I did get her McDonald's and forgave me. I don't think I'm screwed tomorrow but Amelia will call out Sarah tomorrow which I'm lucky about 😅 cya tommorow I guess


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