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Name: Scorchingheart
Gender: Tom
Pronouns: He/they
Clan: ThunderClan

Description: An orange Manx, he is tall and skinny, and has a burning hatred deep inside his heart for revenge.
Personality: Quiet, cowardly, shy, trust issues.

Father: Lucifer - A cruel tom. UNKNOWN (Last seen: Following another evil she-cat, may be dead. (NPC)
Mother: Daisy - A quiet she-cat. DECEASED (During birth) (NPC)
Brother: None.
Half-sister: Blossomingheart (Blossom, ex-kittypet name) - A kind she-cat. (ALIVE)

Fake friends (he thinks they are her friend):
Fake friends 2 (other way around):
Best friend:
One-way dislike:
One-way dislike (she dislikes them):

Backstory: (TW: Starving, abuse, murder)
Kit hood. Scorchingkit was born to Lucifer and Daisy, the two-legs named him Orange because of his pelt, Lucifer never allowed him to play with Blossom because she was his half-sister, and wasn't Lucifer's kit, but Orange snuck out with Blossom to play anyways because Blossom was very clingy to him, for what? He didn't know. "Orange, you need to lose some weight, you are too chubby to make your dreams reality, going into the wild like that? No, you need to be fit for it." Lucifer hissed at Orange after he told him about his dreams of becoming a warrior out in the wild. After that, Orange stopped eating only when Daisy forced him, that made Lucifer angry and ended up killing Daisy brutally.
"Lucifer? Why are you going out with that she-cat? Do you even know her?" Orange mewed with a concern tint in his voice.
"Her? Ha, I don't know her, but she's better than you and Blossom combined! So, I'm going away with her, I'll be back by sundown." Lucifer chuckled and swiftly walked away without another word.
Blossom became apprentice aged, "hey Orange, I think we should go, Lucifer hasn't returned in a moon, also you need to eat, please!" Blossom mewed desperately to Orange, who was barely ever eating since Daisy died.
"Fine for both, let me go get some food, then we can set off to the forests." Orange shrugged it off and padded up to his food and ate, then setted off shortly after into the forest with Blossom.
"Blossom? Blossom where are you!" Orange shouted out loud before feeling claws rake at his back, he tried to fight it off but shortly passed out by whatever was the cause.
He woke up, his head was aching and was resting in a nest, where Blossom was lying next to him seperately.
"Scorchingpaw!" Blossom mewed with joy and lunged at him playfully.
"Who's that?" Orange stuttered, confused on who that was.
"You, silly! I'm Blossomingpaw now!" She chirped as she got off him.
"Well, where are we?" Scorchingpaw rose to a sitting position, revealing his skinny stomach, his ribcages nearly shown.
Blossomingpaw padded off somewhere, then shortly after returned with a plump mouse. "ThunderClan! Our new home." She smiled, and nudged the mouse towards Scorchingpaw, he declined the offer and pushed it back.
"ThunderClan? This means I can become a warrior! So, I don't need this mouse at all, I need to be fit like Lucifer said." Scorchingpaw mewed excitedly.
"Lucifer's evil, you cannot trust him, so, please eat it." She frowned and passed it back, Scorchingpaw grumbled and took small nibbles.
I'm too lazy to put it in a story so basically, he found his father dead during his assignment. He got in a battle with the she-cat who killed his father, and killed her by accident, he became Scorchingheart and still did what his father said, despite already a warrior, just wanting to become a better one. He died by starvation.

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