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Name: Whalewatcher
Gender: She-cat
Pronouns: She/her
Clan: RiverClan (Now Dark Forest)

Description: A large, muscular she-cat who despises others.
Personality: Rude, untrusting, ruthless

Half/step/brother: None.
Half/step/sister: None

Fake friends (she thinks they are her friend):
Fake friends 2 (other way around):
Best friend:
One-way dislike:
One-way dislike (she dislikes them):

Backstory: (TW: Skinning, heavy gore, cannibalism)
Kit hood.
Whalekit stood up, a bit... later than the other kits, exactly 3 days too late. She was never playing with the other kits, rather played with a random loner the Clan never knew existed.
"So, Whalekit, do you want to join me and my friends? We murder, steal! It's fun! No rules, you're free, we never follow any rules." The loner grinned, and glanced over his bulky shoulder, glaring over to a pack of 3 other cats, as well as a pup? Whalekit shook her head, declining the offer. "If you can teach me, then yes! But I'm not leaving this Clan. Free food, free shelter, free everything!" Whalekit mewed excitedly as the rogue nodded his head, reluctantly.

Apprentice hood
Whalepaw returned to the rogue's hangout, her first day of training for them. She had training yesterday from RiverClan, but now it was theirs.
"So, will you tell me your name?" Whalepaw semi-asked, mainly demanded the name, but it didn't matter, since they were rude to her when she was a kit. Whalepaw opened her eyes and gaged, (GORE WARNING FOR MOST OF THE APPRENTICE HOOD) blood was scattered across the ground, and she saw a cat's organs lying down, she felt like she was about to throw up. "What... What is this?" She screamed, the cat let a silent blink, it was still alive? But then she saw its body stop moving, it's dead now. Thank StarClan, rest well warrior.
"You were not supposed to see this, but I suppose it's fine. Also, the name is Lucifer." Lucifer chuckled. Whalepaw's eyes grew wide and pounced on Lucifer.
"You monster!" She shrieked, clawing at the tom, pulling out clumps of fur and raking it down his back, blood poured from the wound, and she kept going non-stop, Lucifer kept trying to rake her off, but failed many times. Whalepaw scratched, the skin crawled into her claws, it made her gag again but kept going "You monster! Monster! Monster!" She screamed out, at this point in the tom had random clumps of fur, his skin was out and revealed his muscles, and some bone.
"That felt..." She chuckled. "Good." Whalepaw laughed as she ripped a bit of the muscle off and ate. Tasty...

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