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Quick a/n
I apologize that it has been do long. I haven't had much motivation but I got back into writing again. As compensation for not posting in forever I'll try to make a longer chapter.
~Deo POV~
I did it!
I managed to chip off some of this stupid code!
When boss didn't come back we got worried so we were gonna pay him a visit but...
There was coded barrier blocks surrounding the smp where Tommy had followed Dream. I always knew Dream was a little insane and possessive but this is too far. It'll take months for us to see boss again, and he's already been gone for 2 years. A few months after he left we got attacked, we lost when Wisp joined the opposing side. But that happened years ago, we're back on track, for the most part. Point is, we need boss back, we miss him do much it hurts.
I got back to work on the code quickly, refusing to give myself a break just so I could see Tommy again. Hours later the code chipped again, but only by 0.1%. It was heavily annoying but I continued anyway, that is until Luke came over and told I need to take a break or it'll never be cracked, I immediately stopped and let Luke lead me to a small meadow where we ate a quick lunch and napped for a few hours. Once we all woke I returned to the code, staring at the equations before me, reading the numbers and letters and symbols. I quickly wrote a countering equation, a mix of more letters numbers and symbols. It went into the next bit of code and I did the exact same thing, I looked at my little cheat sheet and sighed. 'this'll take forever' I thought, and I looked back at the code.

~Tommy's POV ~
Tubbo and I ventured to the barrier again and a few seconds after we looked at it it showed it had been chipped a little more. Tubbo and I smiled, leaving the barrier and going to the flower fields, where we hung out with bees and made flower crowns for eachother. We spent the rest of the day there and then went to our respective homes, sleeping the silent night away.
As I was writing this my sibling just randomly said "I've committed 72 war crimes"
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this slightly longer chapter!
I know its been two years but ill try to update more!

Breaking the code (Dsmp AU) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now