do your damage

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Slow updatessssssssss
~Tommy's pov~

We were chilling near the barrier, talking as it continued to chip. Slightly faster than before. Seems like whoever is chipping it is dedicated.

Tubbo and I continued to sit, Fundy and Bad joining us as we all spoke. A little while later though I noticed green clad figure making his way over to us.

"What do you want asshole?"

"Language" bad muttered in my direction, I paid no attention to it though. I stood carefully, drawing my sword.

"Tommy, stop trying to escape! Its no use! The code will just keep rebuilding and rebuilding until you grow tired if it." Dream stated, A crazed look in his eye. He quickly drew his own sword and smiled.

"Hah. Do your damage bitch boy" I watched as he lunged at me and I quickly switched to the axe of peace, blocking his attack and quickly swinging, snagging his shoulder. I jumped back as he swung again, effectively dodging. "Hey green bitch! I don't know if you know this but I once killed a god! So what makes you think I can't beat you!?" I yelled at him, dodging again.

"Oh have you now? Well that's useful....." Dream chuckled as he equipped his bow, drawing an arrow. He released the arrow and it nicked my cheek.

"what the hell do you mean by that fucker" I lunged at him and got a fairly clean cut across his abdomen. Dream knee led to ground as his dark blood poured from his wound and pooled at his mouth. "Run Dream. Ill let you live this time but I won't be nearly as merciful next time." The cold, venom filled words dripped from my tongue as I spoke. I pushed dream to the ground and walked back to the group somewhat angry.

I'm writing slightly longer chapters! Are you guys proud of meeeeeeeeee?

Breaking the code (Dsmp AU) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now