Chapter 1:{Where it all begins}

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Our story begins with a young lion boy who looks to be around about 12 years old walking through the woods aimlessly. The grass he walked on crunched under his weight as he traversed through the thick forest until he finally broke free from the forest and into a treeline where he came across a clearing, it was a beach. The boy has never been to a beach since his parent's never went on vacation they always said it was a waste of time, he decided to take this opportunity and enjoy a little time alone before he had to go back home.

He went further into the beach until he got to the shoreline he took off his shoes and put them a little further then the shoreline and then got closer until he was right in front of it. The water sent shivers up the boys spine feeling the water soak his fur was a weird experience since he usually never stayed in any body of water long enough to enjoy it. Even in showers.

The boy sighed in contentment as he felt the water soak the fur on his legs. The tension in his body slowly disapting into a nice calmness he hasn't felt in a long while. It was nice going out and getting away from his "parents", especially after a punishment. His "parents" definitely stressed him out a lot, and it definitely didn't help in any especially his mental health.

The boy sighed. Sometimes he wishes he can run away and be free, but he knows he wouldn't be able to take care of himself, atleast not right now. He steps away from the shoreline already missing the sensation of the water, he may be a fire user but he still enjoyed being around water, it was so cold, and comforting. He sat on the sand waiting for his fur to dry so he can put his shoes back on, he didn't want to alert his parent's that he's gotten wet, and soon got his shoes back on and left, but little did he know he was being watched.

A few day's have passed since the boy found the beach he had been coming almost every day taking off his shoes and letting his fur soak in the water, and each time someone watched him, but today would be different.

The boy was just sitting at the shoreline enjoying the breeze and water like usual, but he heard something it sounded like a splash, he thought nothing of it until it happened again only louder...and closer. The boy, starting to get anxious, stood up. His eye's started scanning everything around him, he then saw something go behind a rock, it looked like a fish, a big one. He started making his way over to the rock, luckily his steps were silenced by the sand, he decided to go to the left side of the rock the opposite way the fish went behind it.

He looked behind the rock, his eyes widening, behind the rock wasn't a was another boy who looked around his age. Half of the boys body was in the water, and his back was turned to him but that didn't stop him from seeing some features. The other boys skin was a dark grayish blue, and he had silver hair the boy looked from behind the rock looking like he was looking for something, and so he decided to say something.


The boy gasped and turned around. Once he saw the boy he had been watching for days there, he dove into the water creating a big splash which startled the other boy and he hid behind the rock while the other boy was under the water still watching him, both boys just being scared of the other. The boy under the water slowly brought half of his face past the surface of the water looking at the rock the other boy was behind, soon his whole head pasting the surface, still watching the rock, the boy in the water slowly and carefully swam to the rock only getting to the edge before looking past to see the other boy still there, staring right at him.

???:"*Click*...*Whistle* *Click*"

The boy whistled an apology, he didn't mean to scare the other boy he was just startled since the other boy had surprised him and he was kinda shy so his reaction wasn't the best. The other boy just stared at him, utterly confused at him.

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