Behold... My Stuff!!

430 6 19

An enemy turned friend, will be friend till the end.


I sighed in anticipation as I stood outside the Sparring arena's door.

I'd been 10 minutes late, so Glynda might've had to hold the sparring sessions until I arrived.

Honestly, I didn't know what would be better, Glynda holding the students up, or not.

Well, I couldn't change it now.

With a deep breath, I opened the door and walked in.

The room fell silent once I entered, and as I glanced around I could see several people I remembered.

Team RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL were all here.

Well, I was guessing at team Cardinal, I only remembered what Cardin's racist ass looked like, so I could be wrong.

Well, I was guessing at team Cardinal, I only remembered what Cardin's racist ass looked like, so I could be wrong

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There were also several other teams present, as well as Glynda who was staring at me with an unhappy expression. "10 Minutes late." I heard Glynda mutter, and almost instantly whispers began to circulate throughout the classroom.

Team RWBY was wondering why I was here, and team JNPR was wondering who I was. Team CRDL however, was asking for a beatdown and wondering if they were going to be taught by a Faunus.

Truth be told, there were probably several students in this class that were older than me, as I had no idea what their birthdays were, even if I knew their ages.

Raising my right hand, I waved at everyone, "Yo", Ruby was the only one who waved in response, a smile on her face.

Taking a deep breath, I glanced at Glynda, but she merely shook her head, it seemed she wanted me to introduce myself.

Sighing, I said, "My name is Hunter Aurum, and as some of you have clearly noticed" I looked in Cardin's direction, "I'm a Faunus." I held out my right arm to display my Golden Scales. "And before you ask, sadly no, I don't know what type of Faunus I am, we're still working on that part." I shifted my gaze over all of the students, "Now, I've been asked by Ozpin to help you all with your sparring lessons" I scratched the back of my neck, "But, honestly, I have no idea what I'm meant to be doing. All Glynda told me was be here 10 Minutes ago..." a few of the students chuckled, "So... I'm going to ask Glynda what to do!" I declared, before shuffling over to Glynda and saying, "What do I do?" loud enough that the students could hear me, earning a couple more giggles and laughs.

Glynda sighed, before bringing out her Scroll, "You'll be sparring the students, testing their skills, and pointing out their weaknesses if you can. You're only really here to provide a challenge and test for the students." I nodded, "Ah, okay." I then glanced around at the arena, sure it was big, but not nearly big enough for what I wanted to do. "Do you happen to have a bigger arena?", Glynda sighed again, but with my acute hearing, I heard Cardin scoff, and mutter something about a coward.

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