14 • maddie

213 13 3

A/N: update 2/2

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The winter concert is this Friday. We've rehearsed to the point that our fingers are close to falling off. The posters Tobias and I designed are on every wall of the school.

Except the common room, which we forgot existed because of how out of the way it is. It's a small area with a pool table and some colourful bean bags to lounge on, which are rumoured to be covered in sexual fluids. I prefer to think they're not. Call me naïve, but I can't imagine anyone at St Catherine's being stupid enough to pull something like that.

Sure enough, there's nothing dodgy going on when I open the door. One person is sprawled out on a red loveseat taking a nap. A few girls are gathered in the corner over an iPad. And Grover and Seth are playing pool and bickering.

Seth guffaws. "You're so shit."

"Fuck you."

I cautiously push myself towards them. The bulletin board is right next to the table, and I can't get to it while they're playing. "Who's winning?" I ask.

"No one's winning," Grover mumbles, at the same time Seth says, "I am."

After some careful positioning, Grover taps the white ball with his cue, and it knocks the black ball into one of the holes. He curses under his breath.

"Well done!" I cheer, and he cuts his eyes at me.

Seth snorts. "He just lost."

"Oh." I don't know the rules of pool.

Seth offers his hand to Grover. A self-satisfied smile plays at his lips. "Good game?"

Grover jabs him in the stomach with the pool stick, causing Seth to squeal and stagger backwards.

They start arguing again, and the lingering remains of my social skills dissolve into thin air. I feel very out of place with these two. What is wrong with me?

I remember the posters in my bag. "Er, any chance I could—"

At that moment, the common room doors fly open, and Bree rushes in. She plasters herself to the wall like she's trying to blend in with it, like a chameleon. Her expression is one of pure terror. "Guys, I have an emergency!" she hisses.

Seth and Grover stop squabbling to look at her.

"I got my period," she whispers.

At the word 'period', their faces go blank. They exchange an uneasy glance.

"Um, sorry about that...?" Grover frowns. "At least you're not pregnant."

"Yeah, I know," Bree's face darkens, "but I bled through my jeans and I don't have anything to cover it up."

"Can't you ask one of your friends for something?"

"You were the first person I could find!" Bree clasps her hands together. "Lend me your jumper? Please?" she begs.

Grover looks down at his oversized grey sweatshirt. Hokusai's Great Wave is printed in white on the back. He looks sort of ... cute in it, I guess. Stylish.

When he looks back up at Bree, his face is twisted in discomfort. "Uh, is the stain that noticeable?"


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