A Captain's Word {•} Captain Spaceboy x Reader

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(requested by @onyxsuckstampons )


{ Your POV }

It's been a while since I've visited Otherworld. The last time I was here was a few months ago when I hung out with Captain Spaceboy, ugh... or should I say Space Boyfriend. Ever since he got with that prissy princess Sweetheart he's been acting like a whole different person. He worshipped her, and she treated him like dirt. They were always on and off, I don't know why he doesn't just cut her off for good. I might just be thinking this because I'm jealous, but I also just think he deserves better. I've known him since we were both little kids, having pretend adventures around the cattail field and going for sno-cones every so often. With all my jealousy and getting a job in Deep Well, we weren't as close anymore. I sighed, walked up to his door, and knocked. 

   "Uh, hello? Spaceboy, it's me, your old friend, Y/-" 

I was caught off guard and pulled into the house with a swift door-closing sound. 

   "Oh, Y/n, thank the stars you're here!" one of the space pirates whispered. "What? What's going on?" I asked. "Sweetheart ended things with the captain sometime after you left last time! For good this time!" he whisper-yelled. "Oh great.." I sighed. "Not even his mixtape is cheering him up! It has to be you, Y/n!" he moved out of the way. I eyed around the house and focused on the stairs. I could slightly hear the sobs of Spaceboy from upstairs. I slowly crept up the stairs. 

   "I can hear you sneaking around, you know," he said, hugging his pillow. 

   "Sneaking around? Coming from the guy who snuck out at night to meet up with me 5 years ago, it's odd to hear you say that," I crossed my arms. 

   "Y/n?" he shot up. "The one and only," I smiled. He rushed out of bed. "Oh my stars! Y/n! It's been way too long, hasn't it?" he hugged me. "We last met up 3 months ago, Spacebo- I mean Space Boyfriend," I said. "Oh please, drop the formalities! You've never had to call me that before! Plus, me and Sweetheart... we've.. parted ways since then," his smile faded. "Hey, I'm sorry about her," I said. "Oh, no worries. She wasn't the nicest anyhow. I think I've finally realized... that she isn't worth losing sleep over," he smiled sheepishly. "Well, it's a good thing you did. I don't mean to offend but she treated you like shit," I pointed out. He sighed. "Yes... but I've also treated you like such too. I remember... only talking about Sweetheart the last time we hung out. I'm sorry Y/n. I should've thought about how you might've felt when I talked so highly about someone you didn't like," he took my hand. "Oh! Uh- it's okay. I can't control your actions. It's what we do in the present that counts, right?" I said, slightly flustered. 

   "Yes, of course! Which is- uh... precisely why I- um.. wanted to ask you if.. if..." I noticed his cheeks were pretty flushed. 


 He couldn't be asking what I think he's asking, right? 

Especially... right now? 

   "Captain Spaceboy, Captain of the Space Pirates, are you asking me out?" I asked, slightly blushing as well. "A-ah! Well- I mean- maybe! If that's what you want it to be-" he said nervously. 

   "Is that blush I see~?" I teased. "NO!!" he quickly turned around and hid his face before taking a deep breath. 

He turned back to face me completely relaxed. "Now, *ahem*, where in the galaxy would you like to go first?" he asked. "Just hanging out around Otherworld is fine, or if you want, we can go to the Mustard Sub for a snack before doing anything extravagant, really I'll do anything you have in mind," I said. He looked pretty shocked. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. "Oh, nothing! It's just that... I was never really given a choice, so hearing you let me do the planning caught me quite off guard," he said.  "Really? Sweetheart NEVER let you choose anything?" I asked. "No, it was always what she wanted. And me, I'm not one to argue with her so I just agreed to everything she asked," he looked away. "Oh wow, you really didn't deserve her," I muttered, but he clearly heard me, since when I looked back up, he was a dark shade of blue. "Ahem, yes, I guess you're right," he said. "Sooo, the reigns are all yours, Cap'n! Where to?" I flopped on his bed. "I guess we could just hang around here... Although it still feels kinda weird making the decisions for once," he said nervously. "You really shouldn't, that's a good pick too! I work there so lunch is on me," I glanced over at him fiddling with his thumbs. "Hey," I reached over for his hand. "It's alright, I'm super okay with this. I just, want you to be okay with it too," I smiled. He chuckled lightly and smiled. "Well... I guess there really is one thing I wanna do before we head over there..." he slightly smirked.  "And what would that be?" I asked. 

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